Monday, August 10, 2009

Daddy's Rules Were Not Made To Be Broken!!

When I was younger – much, much younger – girls at our house did not mow the yard! My Dad said that was work for the boys only! Of course, before the boys could actually mow, the girls’ job was to go out first , check the yard for anything that could be thrown by the mower – rocks, sticks, etc. – and clean all of it up! This was to ensure that the boys were not injured while mowing. I never really understood why if the boys were going to mow why they couldn’t first check the yard for hazards! Oh, well!

One of Daddy’s firm rules when mowing was to always wear jeans and tennis shoes – no shorts or flip-flops allowed! We didn’t actually call them flip-flops then, but those of you who were around at that time know by what name they were called!

I grew up actually loving to be outside and working in the yard! I have been doing yard work on my own for a very long time and have gotten away from Daddy’s rules. I do try to pick up any hazards before I mow . . . or at least those that I can reach as I mow! I like to wear my shorts, tank top and . . . you guessed it – flip-flops!! How else could I also get some sun while I’m in the yard?

I’ve been reminded many times why the rules still apply and yet, each time I mow – I set those rules aside . . . for the “sun exposure” you know! Because Michael and Elizabeth live in a housing addition in town, I decided about a month ago that I would not only trim the hedges, trim the trees and clean the leaves out of the “rock” beds, I would edge the yard next to the sidewalk, driveway and curb in order to show that we, too, care about our lawn as much as the neighbors do (who of course, always edge their yards).

I have always lived in the country or in an apartment (mostly country) and we never edged! Actually there were no curbs, paved driveways or sidewalks – therefore, no need to edge! Anyway, I got the weed-eater out to edge and I broke it – even before I started! Deciding that certainly would not stop me, I edged the entire yard with a kitchen knife! Yes, a kitchen knife! One of our neighbors felt so bad for me, he gave me a full bag of fertilizer! Thanks, Mr. K!

Anyway, weed-eater fixed now! Yesterday when I went out to do my weekly yard work, I wore – yup, again the shorts, tank top and flip-flops! As I went about my work, I had stuff thrown at my legs and my feet the entire time I was edging and weed-eating! This morning, they looked and felt pretty banged up.

Moral of this story – Daddy made rules for a reason! I’m seriously considering jeans and tennis shoes next time!

In His Love and Blessings