Friday, February 22, 2008

Surgery #2 - DONE

Chance had the 2nd surgery on his wrist today to remove the rods that were put in the first part of December. This has been a very long healing period. He goes back to the Dr in two weeks to remove the stitches and then on to Physical Therapy! We will get the schedule for his therapy, I'm guessing, when he goes back to see the Dr. I'm so thankful things have gone as well as they have and that he is well on his way to recovery. Now, if I could convince not to get on the skateboard - that would be great! Don't think that's going to happen!

I've been scheduled for a stress test, an echocardiogram and lab tests and then to see my cardiologist next month. Not fun - but a yearly occurrence! I was really supposed to go in last September and have all the tests done, but I was going through some difficult things in my personal life and just never did schedule them.

I love my cardiologist - he took care of both my mom and dad, too. He also takes care of my brother-in-law, who has serious heart problems! Over the years, he's become a good friend as well as our doctor! Every time I see him, he talks about my parents. I love that he remembers them so well and even little details - he remembers. He always talks to me about how much he cared for them and what good people he thought they were!

Tomorrow, I will spend the day packing and moving! The plan is to be completely moved within the next two weeks. It's tough - not something I thought would ever take place. I just pray that everything can go smoothly and hearts will be healed!

In His Love and Blessings

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Grains of Gratitude / Sunday February 17

Grains of Gratitude
Hosted by

Another week gone by - so quickly! The older I get, the faster they go! Last week was a good week - even with the transition we're going through. I'm so blessed in many ways!

This week I'm grateful for . . .

. . . . My new granddaughter, Abigail aka Gabby. She was born on Monday - C-Section because she was breech. Candace is still sore, but getting better and she says Gabby is really a good baby! I knew she would be! Her two big brothers were really good babies, too! I think it might be because Candace is so calm during her pregnancies. She's a good mom and loves her babies like crazy!

. . . . Surgery scheduled for Friday! Chance will go in on Friday to get the rods taken out of his hand from back in November when he broke his wrist. Remember this?

One of the rods really bothers him because it is rubbing against his skin. You can feel it and see it from the outside! It does look really uncomfortable. He's been "one-armed" for so long now. I hope he will be able to use it when the rods come out. We already know he will be in physical therapy and I'm sure that will help!

. . . . The love of God! As imperfect as I am, I know that nothing can separate me from Him.

"neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us
from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8:39

What are you thankful for today? See more "gratitude" at !

In His Love and Blessings,

Monday, February 11, 2008

Introducing . . .

My new granddaughter
Abigail aka Gabby


Born: February 11, 2008 at 8:24 am
20 1/2 inches long and 7 lbs.


Proud big brothers - Joey and Levi


In His Love and Blessings

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Saturday "Things"

Love, Truth, Respect. These seem so simple to me. If you love someone - in whatever capacity, you would want to be truthful to them. You would respect them enough and care for them enough to do everything in your power to keep them from being hurt! Simple, right?

"The LORD detests lying lips,

but he delights in men who are truthful." Proverbs 12:22

My family - meaning my Mom, Dad and siblings (+their children and children's children) share a value system put into place many years ago by my Mom and Dad. Honesty is one of the most valuable characteristics anyone can have and gives a peson integrity and worthiness. Why then, do people who claim to care and love someone completely throw away that value when it's convenient for them? I was always taught, and still believe, that lying is lying - whether by omission or commission!

"But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light,

so that it may be seen plainly

that what he has done has been done through God." John 3:32

Why would a person knowingly and intentionally engage in activities that would hurt someone they supposedly care about? Because that person thought, what they don't know won't hurt them? Because that person thought the activity was well covered up and would never be discovered by anyone? I truly don't understand.

"Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully

to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body." Ephesians 4:25

Elizabeth and I have been hurt. Deeply hurt by the actions of people we love. It was unexpected and completely caught us off guard!

"Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways;

we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God.

On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves

to every man's conscience in the sight of God." 2 Corinthians 4:2

I am so thankful to God for the parents he gave me. I am thankful for the values they taught us, their children. I am blessed! Thank you, God!
In His Love and Blessings

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Are you Looking for New Car?

Thinking about a new car? If you are, go to You don’t have to pay full price for a new car! offers quotes on Car Prices below wholesale because they let dealers compete for your business rather than you having to do all the legwork! You can get up to two quotes!

Visit the website at and put in the information on the make and model you want and let them do the work for you to find the best price. Sounds like a great deal to me!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Walls. Fortresses. Guards. How many of us live behind these each and every day? I know I do. I know that the walls I have built around my heart are almost impenetrable. I know that today, at this time in my life, it seems like the walls I’ve built are not only keeping things out – protecting me from hurt and rejection, but they are also keeping me locked inside, preventing me from feeling.

I’m discovering that walls built to keep things out – also keep things in! I feel like, even now, I am living inside prison walls. It’s as though so many of life’s experiences, at least my life’s experiences, have affected me negatively. Each “bad” experience . . . each and every cruelty . . . every rejection, has entombed me – deeper and deeper inside these prison walls and I’m not sure if there is an escape!

To break down the walls, would be such a huge relief for me. The ability to be able to feel the beauty of God’s world, to trust that I will experience joy would be so wonderful. To believe that people are who they portray themselves to be instead of seeing them as “threats” to my well-being would be indescribable!

1 John 3: 18) Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 19) This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence”

Gloom and Doom aside, I know that things will get better. I know that God will lead me out of the depth of my prison and I will be able to experience the “goodness” in this life. I know because I have faith and belief in God and His promises. Even when it feels like I am at the lowest point, I feel Him lifting me up again. I know that He brings people into our lives – into my life at the time I need them most.

I am seeing a Christian counselor and am discovering, with her help, things in my life that have led me to the place I am today – and how I can go on from here, better, healthier and more able to God’s plan for me.

It’s been a very long time since I have thought about and looked at experiences in my life and try to see how they “changed” me – whether for better or worse. Things that I had never thought about the affect they had at the time I experienced them. Things that seemed insignificant – but how they impacted my life!

I’m ready for healing. I’m ready to find my way back. I’m ready to find my purpose and be the woman that God wants me to be – a fully devoted follower.

I’ll get there because He will lead me there.

Romans 10:9) That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10) For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. 11) As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame."

In His Love and Blessings

Cost-U-Less for car insurance cheap

Insurance. It’s a necessity, but something a lot of consumers don’t put a lot of thought into when shopping for the best coverage at an affordable cost. Do you want insurance cheap? It seems like insurance these days just keeps going up and up in price and yet,- we can’t live without it!

Cost-U-Less is a growing company that has been in the insurance business since 1980. They have stores not only in Northern California, but they are expanding – all over California. They even have over ten locations in Southern California, as well.

When you’re shopping for coverage for your automobile(s), make sure you check out Cost-U-Less. You can go to their website at where you can learn more about the company, request a quote online, find a location nearest you – even find a section on “Tools and Tips” including topics like Safety, Understanding Insurance and even loan calculators.

Not only is Cost-U-Less the place to find the answer to your insurance needs, but they are expanding and currently looking for great people, motivated sales people that are interested in a career in the exciting world of insurance with great earnings potential for the right people!

Check them out! Cost-U-Less has over 100 cheap car insurance programs from which to choose. Remember, for the rate visit You’ll be glad you did!

Thank you to my Sponsor Cost-U-Less!

Monday, February 4, 2008


Okay, regarding my "Grains of Gratitude" post yesterday - the changes taking place in my life are not what it may have sounded like (evidently!). I most definitely am not "coming out of the closet" as my darling daughter, Elizabeth, pointed out in her comment. My friend, Karen, is a happily married woman with two beautiful daughters. She is my friend and I'm thankful for her.

My post yesterday was really all about being thankful - even during the times that seem like there's not much to be thankful for! I have so much to be thankful for and I am blessed!

In His Love and Blessings

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Grains of Gratitude Sunday, February 3

Hosted by mum2brady

This has been a hard week for me. There are some changes in my personal life happening and people are hurt. I'm not sure what the ultimate end will be for this situation - but for now, it's difficult for many of us.

I think it's extremely important for me to be able to express those things for which I am most thankful this week. Even in the midst of the changes in my life, there are still reasons to be thankful to God!

1) I am thankful that I have a home. It may not be my permanent home and it may not be within my "comfort zone", but it is a home, where I am loved and welcomed, and I am thankful.

2) I am thankful for those family members who have shown me unconditional love and acceptance. I have been worried that they would not be able to accept the changes coming about and have even worried that they would no longer love me. So far, my fears were unfounded.

3) I am thankful for my friends at work! They, too, accept me - unconditionally and without judgement. They have expressed their acceptance of me and whatever my choices, they understand and will support me and help me to deal with the changes.

4) I am thankful for my friend, Karen. She has been my friend for over ten years. She knows me! She accepts me and she loves me. She has helped me through many struggles with my children over the years. She has wept with me, rejoiced with me and prayed with me. She is my closest friend and I know that she will always be there for me as I will be for her.

5) I am thankful. I truly can not express how thankful I am that God is my Father and He loves me and knows my heart! I am thankful that nothing on this earth can separate me from His love and His mercy!

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38,39

In His Love and Blessings

Friday, February 1, 2008

Six Quirky Things About Me!

Six Quirky Things About Me!

(This might be difficult - HeeHee!)

I saw this on Elizabeth's blog and thought it might be fun! So . . . let me think . . . .

1) I really don't like to drive on the highway! The traffic and the high speeds make me extremely nervous! I know that I'm a good driver - but I also know that a lot of people on the highway are not! I would rather drive ten miles out of the way if it keeps me off the highway!

2) I have to wear shoes! Even when I'm just puttering or cleaning house, I have to have shoes on my feet! It usually - at home - is flipflops, or in cold weather I might switch to houseshoes. I don't walk around in socks because I live with two of the male-type species who drop ice in the kitchen floor every time they get ice (through the door) of the freezer. I don't like to wear wet socks - so it's shoes for me!

3) I have a particular glass that I like to use for my drinks! It's not a special kind of glass or even decorative, but it holds about 24 ounces of liquid and fits my hand very well. When I go to bed at night, I wash it and then I hide it - so that neither Jody nor Chance will find it and use it. If they were to use it I would have to find another glass to use and even though we probably have between 30-40 glasses - I want mine!

4) I prefer my cast iron skillet over all others when I'm cooking (which by the way is rare!) I have some very nice cookware that Elizabeth gave me one year for Christmas - including a non-stick skillet, but I prefer my cast iron skillet that was my mother's before she gave it to me!

5) I throw all my change in the bottom of my purse! Whenever I pay for anything, the change that I get back just goes into my purse - just thrown in, to jingle around in the bottom until either I decide to clean out my purse or my purse becomes too heavy to carry without giving me a backache!

6) I hang my keys on their special hook by the front door every time I come into the house! Now that might not seem so quirky except that I am one of the most unorganized people you could ever meet! I can never find anything when I need it - except my keys and my cell phone - also because it has it's special place each time I come into the house! I don't know why I can't find a specific place for everything and keep it in it's place. I put things away so that I will be able to find them when I need them, but when I need them - I can't remember where I put them!

I've always been like that! I can remember many times, as a child, my Mom and Dad would ask me where I had put something and I couldn't remember. They would tell me to think about it or retrace my steps until I could remember - but nothing worked! So, of course, I was in trouble many times over losing things that I was supposed to have put away.

Today was a prime example, unfortunately. I had to take Chance back to the Ortho Doc today to recheck his wrist which he broke in November - Remember the post, "Skateboards-Who Needs 'Em?". When I had taken him in four weeks ago, Dr M had given me a prescription for Chance to have x-rays done at the hospital before he came to his appointment - which was today! I lost the prescription! But really, four weeks! That seems like an awfully long time for anyone to keep track of a little piece of paper!

Anyway, we had to go by the Dr's office, get a new script, then go to the hospital for the x-rays. The radiology department at the hospital was packed! We waited 40 minutes for the x-ray and then once the x-rays were taken, we waited another 15 minutes for them to make copies for us to take to the Dr.'s office with us for the appointment, which by now, we were 30 minutes late.

Example 2 - I let my Driver's license expire in November! Yes, November - completely forgot about it! Because of the new immigration laws which were passed in November, if you let your Oklahoma license expire, you have to take your birth certificate and ID to the Department of Public Safety to renew! Before November last year, we just took our old license with us to the tag agency and were issued a new one. Simple, right?

Well, this morning - I couldn't find my birth certificate. Anywhere! Once Chance and I left the doctor's office we headed to downtown Oklahoma City to the Vital Records department of the Oklahoma Department of Health to get a new birth certificate for me. I just thought the radiology department at the hospital was packed! I filled out the paperwork for my birth certificate and gave it to the clerk and she asked for my ID. I gave her my Driver's License. My expired Driver's License and she said that wouldn't work. She asked if I had someone with me that had ID that she could see. Well, thank goodness Chance turned 18 last week and could use his license - otherwise I guess they would not have taken my paperwork.

We sat waiting, once we turned in the paperwork, for almost an hour before I was called in to another part of the department to pick up the certificate. Where, by the way, the clerk in this office told me that my expired license would have been fine - didn't need Chance's after all!

We left there and went to the Department of Public Safety to get all the paperwork done to take to the Tag Agency to get my actual license! We walked into the DPS and it was standing room only! I took a number from the little number dispenser - the number 49! As soon as I pulled my number, we heard them call number 19! We arrived there at 3:30 and they informed us they would be closing at 4:45 - regardless of how many people were still in line for service.

Well, to make a long story a bit shorter, I was called in at 4:37, completed all the paperwork, did the vision test, fingerprint zapping and picture taking and then we headed to the Tag Agency to get my actual license!

I headed for the nearest Tag Agency because I thought they all closed at 5:00 pm. The Tag Agency was also standing room only! Thankfully, once again, this particular agency did not close until 6:00. We got my license and when we got into the car - it was 6:00 pm! Whew! What a day!

I'm pretty sure if I had been more organized, my day would have gone much more smoothly! Maybe that's a task I should put on my agenda!

In His Love and Blessings