Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Grains of Gratitude

Hosted by mum2brady at

This week, as always, I am very blessed and have much to be grateful for and to give thanks!

This morning about 4:00 am, my daughter, Elizabeth, woke up screaming in pain. I immediately heard her and went to her and knew that she needed to be taken to the hospital. I woke my son-in-law, Michael, and while they left to go to the ER, I called her doctor's answering service and instead of waiting for a call-back, they immediately put me through to the doctor on call. He assured me that she did the right thing in going to the ER.

Michael called from the hospital to keep me updated on everything going on - I stayed with Addy and Cherry - and then when they got home just after 7:00, Elizabeth was able to talk (having been given some pretty significant pain medication) and was able to tell me about her experience. I'm so thankful that she is okay, will stay on the pain meds as long as necessary and will just need to be monitored.

My "unemployment" status. I have been without a job since the middle of July and since that time have sent out many, many resumes with only two interviews. On Wednesday, I talked with an employment recruiter who told me that the problem might be with my employment experience - which, of course I detailed on my resume.

I worked for state government for nine years with the Dept of Labor. Two of those years were spent as a Labor Compliance Officer (LCO), which entailed enforcement of Labor laws within the state. I investigated employers to ensure that they were operating their business in accordance with state law. I also investigated businesses in response to claims filed by employees against their employer for unfair work practices, nonpayment of wages, etc. In this job, I was an agent of the state and able to issue subpoenas for any/all documentation, held by the employer, for review during my investigations.

Anyway, to make a long story short, the recruiter said that many employers are "put off" by the thought of hiring someone who can come into their business and find practices which might not be "up to snuff" by law. She thought that was most likely the reason I was not getting a good response from my resumes.

Needless to say, I immediately revised my resume - still including all the time spent with the Dept of Labor (9 years), but did not include specifics about my experience as an LCO. I changed my resume on Wednesday, sent out five resumes that same day - had two interviews on Friday and another scheduled for next week! I'm so thankful that I was led to this woman who has so willingly helped me in my job search. The changes to my resume were something I never imagined, but already have made such a big difference. God is awesome and works in wonderful ways!

I'm thankful for friends. Last Sunday one of the daycare moms had her second child and Elizabeth, Addy, Cherry and I were able to go to the hospital that same evening. We were able to visit with mom, hold baby and spend some quality time! Once we left there, we went to see a friend of Elizabeth's from high school who had given birth five weeks before (she also lived in the same city where we visited the hospital). We were able to visit with her and spend time holding the baby and "catching up"! It was a great evening.

Last night, we had a small "block" party - set the big screen outside on the driveway, set up the grill for burgers and dogs and invited many in the neighborhood to come join us to watch the OU game. It was fun! Others in the neighborhood honked at us as they drove by and it was fun to visit with those who came over.

I'm thankful for health and weight loss! I have lost some weight since March this year and gone down three sizes! It feels great! Elizabeth, Cherry and I - with Addy riding along on her bike - started walking a couple of weeks ago and that is definitely helping, as well.
Wednesday evening we walked to a nursing home about a mile from the house and visited with the residents for about an hour before walking back home. Elizabeth takes her daycare kids to this particular home about once a month and the residents - and staff - know them by name and enjoy their company. That's always a blessing to be able to share some time with them.

That's my week! I'm looking forward to next week - anticipating good results from my job interviews and more walking!

To share your "Grains of Gratitude" visit Brady's Bunch!

In His Love and Blessings

Monday, September 22, 2008

You Can Run, But You Can't Hide!

Have you ever studied the book of Jonah in the Old Testament of the Bible? We have started a new study at church on Sunday morning and that's the book we are studying. Yesterday was the first day of the study so, of course, we started with chapter 1.

Jonah was a man who was given a mission from God to go and preach His word in Nineveh, but instead Jonah tried to run from God and left in the opposite direction. He boarded a boat upon which were many sailors - experienced sailors - who because of Jonah experienced the power of God for the first time!

While they sailed a great storm came upon them and the men were afraid! Each man called out to his own god, but to no avail. The storm roared on! When they looked for Jonah, they found him - below deck, sound asleep! They awakened him and began to question him,

" 4) Then the LORD sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up. 5) All the sailors were afraid and each cried out to his own god. And they threw the cargo into the sea to lighten the ship. But Jonah had gone below deck, where he lay down and fell into a deep sleep. 6) The captain went to him and said, "How can you sleep? Get up and call on your god! Maybe he will take notice of us, and we will not perish." Jonah 1

The sailors questioned Jonah, asking who he was, where he came from,his country and what people he came from. They wanted to know who was making all this trouble for them.

Jonah answered and said, "I am a Hebrew and I worship the LORD, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the land." Jonah 1:9

The men were terrified and asked Jonah what he had done - they knew that he was running from the Lord, because he had told them. They asked Jonah what they should do to him to make the sea calm and Jonah told them to throw him overboard!

The men obviously had more compassion for Jonah than Jonah had for all the people in Ninevah - the town God had told him to go to preach and, therefore, they tried everything they knew to keep the boat afloat - without throwing him overboard. They threw cargo (their very livelihood) overboard to lighten the boat and tried to row back to land. The sea just got rougher and rougher.

13) Instead, the men did their best to row back to land. But they could not, for the sea grew even wilder than before. 14) Then they cried to the LORD, "O LORD, please do not let us die for taking this man's life. Do not hold us accountable for killing an innocent man, for you, O LORD, have done as you pleased." 15) Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging sea grew calm. 16) At this the men greatly feared the LORD, and they offered a sacrifice to the LORD and made vows to him. Jonah 1

Have you ever tried to "run" from God? I can remember times in my life - not really running, but definitely avoiding God! When the spirit lives in you and you know God's word, it is impossible to have peace when your actions are in direct opposition to His teachings.

Jonah tried to run from God but the mighty God of Heaven knew where he was and knew his heart. God caused the storm, not as punishment to Jonah, but as a "recovery" - to bring Jonah back to Him! And in the midst of the storm, brought many others unto Himself as well!

When I look at the "stormy" times in my life - they always coincide with a time in which I have not put God first in all that I do! My life and my choices have not been in line with His Word. Instead, I have allowed my priorities to become skewed - moved my relationship with God down on my list of "Things To Do"!

I know the only way to calm the "storms" in my life is to put Him back at the top of my "To Do" list by getting back into the Word, making prayer, worship and Bible study my focus. God is ever present and He loves me. Storms may come, but I can call upon God and know that the "sea" will be calm once again! My God is awesome and I'm thankful for His faithfulness and His love for me!

In His Love and Blessings

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday Thunks! September 15, 2008

Hosted by Motherhood with Teenagers

I found this meme and thought it might be fun! Here's this week's "Thunk"

"Candy Bars and you.Think of yourself... then think of a candy bar. What comes to mind? Is it all chocolate? Is it sweet? Salty? If you had to describe yourself & your personality by creating a "you" candy bar, what would it be?"

Ferrero Rocher Chocolates - Rocher choclates are a tempting combination of luscious, creamy, chocolatey filling surrounding a whole hazelnut, within a delicate crisp wafer, all enveloped in creamy milk chocolate and finely chopped hazelnut.

I would like to think of myself as a Ferrero Rocher Chocolate. On the outside you "get what you see"! You either want to experience who I am or you don't - it's pretty simple. I'm pretty down to earth, honest and "nutty" in bits (finely chopped bits!). Once you reach the inside - if I ever let you past my crispy wafer walls - you find the real treat, the best nut of all!

Sometimes I'm hard to get to know because I "guard" myself closely, but if I find true friendship - then, slowly, the inside becomes a part of the "bar"!

Okay, so the gold wrapping may not really apply - but I do "clean up" pretty good!

What kind of candy bar are you? Visit Motherhood with Teenagers and share your thoughts!
In His Love and Blessings

Faith, Prayer, Blessings!

“In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened;
He saved me from all my troubles.”
Psalm 34:6

A short while back I was led to a blog site, Kate Crews, started by the mother of a beautiful girl who received a brain injury - the result of a head-on collision. I am so inspired by mom, Janne, and her deep faith and devotion to God and also by daughter, Kate's wondrous healing by our Heavenly Father.

Hebrews 11 has always been one of my favorite chapters in the Bible because it shows such tremendous faith of God's followers. I pray for the depth of faith that is shown by Abraham, Noah and now added to that list is Kate's family, friends and prayer warriors. I, too, have become a prayer warrior for Kate!

Sometimes, I find it very hard to stay positive with the circumstances of my life right now - end of my marriage, no job, no home of my own! When I see God working in someone's life as He is in so many - it changes my focus and I know that He is in control and I am thankful! I am so blessed in my life!

My youngest daughter (by marriage) sent me pictures of her three little ones! Since the separation from my husband, both of his daughters from his previous marriage - our youngest and our oldest - seemed to retreat from me and that's been hard. I understood that they were protecting their Dad and probably weren't sure where they would fit into my life now. My feelings for the girls has never changed! They came into my life when they were 9 and 6 years of age and became my daughters (in my heart and mind). I felt like not only was my marriage over - but I feared that two of my children had chosen to be out of my life. I called Candace last night to tell her how much the pictures meant to me. We talked and discovered that neither of us wants the mom/daughter relationship to end - no matter what! I thank God and am so grateful!

I've sent out about six resumes this week; had 1 interview last week - the job search continues as the prayers go up! I know that God will lead me to the place where I can best serve and bring glory to Him!

I will continue to pray for many I have met - some personally, some in "bloggieland" and continue believing that God will bring healing to them and their families! Here are some on my prayer list -

If you want to read of faith and love, visit each one, read their story and maybe add your name to the long lists of prayer warriors!
In His Love and Blessings

Friday, September 12, 2008

Joyful Journal September 12, 2008

Hosted by Danielle at My Name is Danielle

A memorable moment… Running into an old friend, that I haven't seen in over 20 years and having him recognize me right away! When I look in the mirror, I don't always see likeness to myself that long ago. To me, 50 looks a lot different than 30! It was fun to know that there was still some of that 30 year old on the outside!

I am grateful… for God's love. I am also grateful for friends and family. I have a job interview this afternoon - in the same city I live in - and I am very grateful for that. I am praying that this position will be a "fit" on both sides!

I laugh… On Monday one of the daycare kids, who had helped his mom work in the flower bed on Sunday, told us that his mom had sprayed for bugs in her flower bed. He explained that she was "protecting" the bugs by spraying!

I remember… A conversation with my son this week. I am concerned about him because of the changes he has made within the last couple of years. He has an amazing heart and great potential and I worry that he doesn't live up to that potential. I pray daily for him to accept Christ as his personal Savior and for him to realize his strength and to use it to the fullest in everything he does.

I love… Fall! I love the cooler weather, overcast skies, rain storms and misty mornings! This is my favorite season of the year.

I will celebrate… Joyfully - especially if I gain employment this last day of the week! I need a job and continue to pray that God will send me to the place where I can best serve!

A joyful picture . . .
This is a picture of my great-aunt's hands as she was teaching a Bible class a couple of years ago. She passed away earlier this year and I love this picture. God was the focus of her life and she was such an awesome person. She is missed by many!
To join in or to read more Joyful Journal's visit Danielle.

In His Love and Blessings

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Joyful Journal - September 6, 2008

Hosted by Danielle at My Name is Danielle

A memorable moment… Being able to talk with my husband, honestly about the future, what it holds for us, and the reasons we are at this point in our lives.

I am grateful… For forgiveness. To know that I have forgiveness from God - which is what counts! To know that His mercy and His love carry me always.

I laugh… When I watch Elizabeth's daycare kids playing. Since I'm not working right now, I am able to be there during the day with Elizabeth and she has the best kids in her daycare. They are all age three and under and they are such a blessing.

I remember… A time in my life filled with great expectation and excitement as my husband and I married and brought our families together. Never did I anticipate the events to come!

I love… God and want to be the best me I can be for Him!

I will celebrate… Life! I believe each day is a gift from God and should be used for good in service to Him!

A joyful picture

Cherry, foreign exchange student from Taiwan living with them and going to school here during this school year. She is fun an sweet and I am enjoying getting to know her more and more!

To post your own Joyful Journal or to read others' visit Danielle at My Name is Danielle .

In His Love and Blessings

Friday, September 5, 2008


2We always thank God for all of you,

mentioning you in our prayers.

3We continually remember before our God and Father

your work produced by faith,

your labor prompted by love,

and your endurance inspired by hope

in our Lord Jesus Christ.

I Thessalonians 1:2,3

When I think about faith my daughter, Elizabeth, immediately comes to mind! She is one of the strongest women I know with a deep faith, a true love for God and a heart for service to Him!

Elizabeth, her husband Michael and daughter Addy are going on a mission trip in February! They will be serving in an orphanage in Sierra Leone for 10 days. She is very excited about the trip and has started efforts in fund raising to get the money together for the trip.

For we are God's workmanship,

created in Christ Jesus to do good works,

which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10

They made the decision to take Addy on the trip because Elizabeth wants Addy to grow up with a servant's heart. Addy went through her toys a couple of weeks ago to gather things to send to one of the girls at the orphanage. Elizabeth talked to her about giving some of her best and favorite toys, jewelry, etc. rather than those things that she no longer wanted. Addy understood and picked some very nice things to send to Fatu, the 9-year old girl in the orphanage. I think that was an awesome lesson for Addy and I know that the trip will be great for her, as well.

Elizabeth wants Addy to see how the children live, the meals they have (only two meals per day, consisting of rice/beans) and the fact that they have very few toys. They keep in touch with another family that has just returned from the orphanage in Africa and have learned how the children living at the orphanage love and care about each other. The children are very close and willingly share everything that they have with each other. I know that will be a huge learning experience for Addy and can hardly wait to talk to her about it upon their return.

Addy lives in a household where God is first in everything they do. She is homeschooled to guard her innocence and her childhood. She is involved in many activities - gymnastics, swimming, church, playdates with friends and is a very social little girl. She is very secure in herself, polite and loving. I am so proud of her and of her parents - they are doing an awesome job!

Titus 2: 11) For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.

12) It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions,

and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,

13) while we wait for the blessed hope

—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,

14) who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness

and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.

I see so many children - young children whose innocence seems lost so quickly! They wear makeup at an early age - even as early as seven or eight! They dress in skimpy clothing and seem to be a part of the world rather than set apart from it. I hear people talk about kids today and wondering what has happened - teen pregnancy, alcohol/drug use/abuse, children having s*x at such an early age! Maybe it should be considered that children have been allowed to do most things - makeup, dating, etc - so early that they've done it all by the time they reach their teenage years and are bored with normal life!

I'm so thankful and blessed that Elizabeth has grown into such an awesome, Godly woman. My son, who is 18, is still searching. He is at the age we all went through, believing that he knows best and even those of us with life experience don't know as much as he knows. I pray daily that God will protect him and that he will accept Christ as his personal savior. He grew up in a different environment than Elizabeth did and the differences are visible. He is a great kid with a huge heart and I love him dearly. I have faith that he will grow into the man God wants him to be.

I wish that I had been so wise as a young mother. I'm thankful for the woman she has become - faithful God follower, wife, mother, friend, daughter.
Is there someone you think of when you think of faith and what is special about that person? I would love to hear about your stories of faith, so if you comment - leave me a link!

In His Love and Blessings

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I am in a "challenging" season of my life right now and, at times, feel very lost. Even in the midst of these trials, I am blessed!

1. I am thankful for God's mercy. I am nowhere near perfect (is anyone on this earth?) and thank God for His mercy every day.

2. I am thankful for forgiveness. I make decisions every day that affect my life and not all of them are good decisions, but God is merciful and loving and His forgiveness is a huge blessing!

3. I am thankful for my children. Elizabeth and Michael have helped me so much and I can't imagine where I would be without them - especially at this point in my life. Chance is awesome! He has a heart of gold and I wouldn't trade him for anything! I'm thankful that I had the time I did with my other children. They blessed my life tremendously.

4. I am thankful for my husband and his understanding. He is a good man and the trials we are experiencing now have not changed that about him. He is kind and caring and I'm thankful that he is in my life even in our changing roles.

5. I am thankful that I have a home. I can't imagine being "down and out" with nowhere to turn. God has truly blessed me!

6. I am thankful for friends. I am blessed to have friends that I can trust and that I know care about me enough to share their opinions - good and bad - when I need them.

7. I am thankful for healing. God touches my heart and I am learning more and more how to trust Him more and lean on Him for all things.

8. I am thankful for cooler weather. Fall is my favorite season of the year and that's what it feels like right now here in middle Oklahoma.

9. I am thankful for my granddaughter, Addy. I can always count on her and her unconditional love and kindness. I'm proud of the little girl she is and proud of her parents for the job they are doing in raising her.

10. I am thankful that I was able to make decisions to remove myself from a very difficult life situation in which I was unaccepted and made to feel like less of a person.

11. I am thankful for some very important people in my life who, throughout this year, have helped me to learn many things about myself that I never understood before. They have helped - and continue to help me learn positive life skills.

12. I am thankful for "bloggie" friends who visit and give me encouragement. It means a great deal to me to find truly caring friends through this venue. I am thankful to be able to share in their lives, as well.

13. Most of all, I am thankful for life! Not only the life I have here, but the life that God has promised for eternity. Life here is not always easy, not always pleasant, but the hope of a life with Him is a goal I strive for each day!

What are you thankful for today? Go here to share your "thankfulness" list!

In His Love and Blessings