Saturday, March 31, 2007

Weekend Reflection #1

My week has been pretty good. On Monday, I had planned on going to Elizabeth and Michael's house to help Elizabeth work on her flower beds, but it was raining so we decided to put it off until it dried out a little bit.

On Tuesday Elizabeth called because Addy was sick and she said she and Addy both needed me. She invited me to come spend the night with them and I could tell she was worried about Addy. Usually Elizabeth can handle anything that comes her way so I decided if she needed me, I wanted to be there! I asked Jody if he minded if I went down there to spend the night and, great guy that he is, he said that would be fine.

When I got to the kid's house, I could tell that Addy was really feeling bad. She just laid around or wanted to be held, she just wasn't her normal self! I slept in Addy's room - starting out in her bed while she slept on one of the daycare cots beside me, but I ended up making a pallet in the floor beside her about 1:30 am. She kept waking up and I would get up with her, comforting her until she could sleep again.

I was really glad that I was there, because Elizabeth has to get up early to start her day before her daycare kids arrive. Addy slept most of the morning - she really needed the rest.

I talked to Jody, who was at home - not at work - because he had thrown out his back and was in a lot of pain. I left to go home around noon to be with him in case he needed some help. I had planned for Addy to come Thursday evening and spend the night with me, but those plans changed as well.

I received a call on Wednesday from one of the positions I applied for and we set an appointment on Monday for an interview. I then got a call on Thursday morning from another place to which I had applied and they asked me to come in Friday morning for an interview. I had to call Elizabeth and let her know I would not be able to keep Addy on Thursday night, but she could come on Friday night if she wanted to.

The interview Friday morning went very well. I felt comfortable during the interview and confident in my abilities to do the job for which I had applied. The woman who interviewed me, R, along with two other interviewers were great and I was really encouraged about the interview. R asked whether or not I would be interested in another position if this one did not work out and I assured her I would definitely be interested. She let me know that between the job I was interviewing for and the two other positions that were open, she was confident that I would be able to get one of the jobs. I feel good about the job - any one of the three and know that I am qualified for each one.

I will still go to my interview on Monday and see how that goes. I will definitely be in prayer over which position, of those offered, I should take. I will be glad to get back to work.

Jody was out most of the week with his back. When he stays home from work I know he must be in a lot of pain because he rarely misses work for any reason. By yesterday, he was finally able to move around without having to use his cane - at least most of the time! Today was even better, although he is still having some pain.

The rain has been so great this week - rain that we needed. My flower beds look great and I love the beautiful flowers that are blooming! The grass is all green (and growing quickly) and the trees are finally beginning to bud out enough to have some green on them!

Addy spent the night last night and was doing much better than she had earlier in the week. She is staying again tonite and has done well all day! I am going to meet Elizabeth and Michael in the morning at LifeChurch and send her home with them after church.

All in all, it's been a good week! I feel blessed about my job situation - it feels like I will have a job soon! I'm thankful that Jody's job allows him sick leave, so that even though he was off this week, he is still paid at the normal rate! I'm thankful for the rain we've had this week and the beauty of Spring!

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Friday, March 30, 2007

A B C's of your life!

I found this on Michael's blog and thought it looked like fun! Hope you enjoy!

1. A is for age: 49

2. B is for beer of choice: I pass - I don't drink (can't even stand the smell!)

3. C is for career right now: I'm between right now

4. D is for your dog's name: China, a chinese pug (very cute!)

5. E is for essential item you use everyday: Drink Mixer - I drink a protein shake every day

6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment: Rachel Ray and Intervention on A&E

7. G is for favorite game: I would have to say either Spades or Apples to Apples

8. H is for Home town: I've lived in several, but I really consider Edmond my home town, because I lived there most of my childhood years - I graduated from Cashion and have lived in Choctaw now for about 25 years!

9. I is for instruments you play: I played the flute when I was younger, now - nothing!

10. J is for favorite juice: I use Cranberry Juice w/no sugar added plus lemon juice in my protein shake every day!

11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: I refuse to name names! lol!

12. L is for last place you ate: At home

13. M is for marriage: February 14, 1989

14. N is for your full name: Sara Ann Bailey

15. O is for overnight hospital stays: Wow! Too many to count, but more than 50

16. P is for people you were with today: Elizabeth, Addy, Jody, Chance and three other people during my interview.

17. Q is for quote: "This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good." author unknown

18. R is for Biggest Regret: I don't really have a lot of regrets! I know that every thing I've been through in my life has helped make me the person I am today!

19. S is for status: Happily married - 18 years!

20. T is for time you woke up today: 4:45 am

21. U is for underwear you have on now: Nunya (as in none of your business!)

22. V is for vegetable you love: I love vegetables, but two of my favorites are spinach and brussel sprouts.

23. W is for worst habit: Probably my worst habit is stress eating - it doesn't relieve the stress, nor does it benefit me in any way!

24. X is for x-rays you've had: My feet, right knee, chest, back, neck, right ankle, head, kidneys

25. Y is for yummy food you ate today: Grilled cheese sandwich

26. Z is for the zodiac sign: Saggitarius

I would like to share the fun, so I am tagging Annie, Amy, Sheila and Elizabeth to post your ABC's as well!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Another Interview!!

I was really getting discouraged over my job search because I had not received any call-backs. Well, I've been reminded, once again, that prayers are answered in God's time, not mine! I got a call yesterday from the same place I had interviewed with the recruiter week before last. I have an interview set up for Monday afternoon. Not only does she want to interview me for the current job that I applied for, but she said she will know by Monday whether or not there is a second job available for which she would like me to consider applying, also!

I got a call this morning from another HR representative on a job that I applied for and I have a job interview set up for tomorrow morning! She also told me there is another job that was posted this week and she would encouraged me to apply for the new position because with my experience, she knows I will qualify for it as well!

God is Good! Sometimes, when our prayers are answered, they are answered in ways we didn't expect, but greater than what we asked Him for in the first place! I am so thankful for these interviews and feel confident going into them. I know that I am qualifed for each job and pray that God will lead me to the place where I can best serve.

I have a picture to share with you from last week when two of my daughters, my son and all of my grandchildren, visited the Little River Zoo. They had two pot belly pigs there and when my kiddos saw them they immediately said they looked just like China - my dog! I don't see the resemblance, but see what you think!

Personally, I think China is so much cuter! I tried to get a picture of her laying down the way the pig is but she wouldn't cooperate. She sits by my feet where ever I sit and when I get up, she jumps up, too. I think you can get an idea of how much cuter she is anyway from the two pics!
Well, I posted when Elizabeth changed from MySpace to Blogspot and she is really loving the difference in the two forums. Now her husband, Michael, has also changed to Blogspot and I want to give him equal advertising! Michael is a good guy and I thank God that he and Elizabeth were brought together to share their lives. They have such a special connection and I love that he's so good to her and to Addy! She had been hurt so much and he loves her and is proving daily that she is so worth loving! So, when you have a minute, stop by and visit Michael and leave him a comment to let him know you found him!
Please continue to pray for me as I go to my job interviews that God will lead me to the place where I can best serve! When you have prayer, what more do you need?!

In His Grace,


Monday, March 26, 2007

A Great Example of a Teen Today

I have been "blog-traveling" today and I found an amazing post by Debra at . I was truly touched by the post and I think you will be, too. When you're out traveling next time, take a moment and vist Debra.

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Fun Stuff!

I found this at and thought it was fun reading hers, so I decided to use it as well!

1. What time did you get up this morning?
I woke up several times during the early morning hours, but actually got up at 6:30 am.
2. Diamonds or pearls?
I don't wear much jewelry - usually only my wedding ring and watch. I don't own any pearls, so I guess it would have to be diamonds!
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
The last movie I saw at the theater was "Cars" with my son and my grandson.
4. What is your favorite TV show?
I love reality shows, but my favorite tv show is "Trading Spouses".
5. What did you have for breakfast?
I haven't had breakfast yet, only coffee.
6. What is your middle name?
7. What is your favorite cuisine?
Mexican or Chinese
8. What foods do you dislike?
Shrimp - don't like the texture!
9. What are your favorite chips?
I love Baked Lay's Original.
10. What is your favorite CD at the moment?
I like Carrie Underwood - maybe because she's from Oklahoma, but also I love her voice.
11. What kind of car do you drive?
GMC Sierra
12. Favorite sandwich?
Cajun Turkey with Pepperjack Cheese
13. What are characteristics you can’t stand?
Arrogance, self-centered, materialistic
14. What are your favorite clothes?
Sweats and Tshirts
15. If you could go anywhere on vacation where would you go?
I would like to go to Alaska
Where is sixteen? Would I want to be 16 again?
NO WAY! I can't imagine having to, again, go through the things I've gone through from 16 to 49!
17. Where would you want to retire?
I would love to have a little house on the lake!
18. Favorite time of day?
Early morning - before everyone else gets up. I love to have quiet time before my day begins.
19. Where were you born?
I was born in Purcell, OK. The hospital where I was born is now a museum!
20. What is your favorite sport to watch?
I'm not really into watching sports, but I do like to watch figure skating
21. Coke or Pepsi?
Definitely Diet Coke!
22. Beavers or ducks?
I like ducks!
23. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I am a morning person.
24. Pedicure or manicure?
Manicure! I've never had a professional pedicure - don't think I would be comfortable with someone messing with my feet!
25. What did you want to be when you were little?
I always wanted to be a Mom - thought I would grow up and have 100 children! Of course, that number changed - I have two birth children and two step-children.
26. What is your best childhood memory?
I have a lot of good memories from childhood! I am one of six children - so I guess the best would be that I always had someone to play with!
27. Ever been to Africa?
28. Ever been toilet papering?
29. Been in a car accident?
Once - it was Easter morning when I was 12. We were on our way to my grandparents for the day. My parents drove my Dad's pick-up with my baby brother and the rest of us kids rode in my oldest brother's new car he had only had for a week. My grandparents lived in the country and they had just graveled their road - we thought! As we topped a hill, there was no gravel, only mud. The car skidded out of control and rolled over on its top. Thank goodness there were only minor injuries. My brother, who was in the front passenger seat, had his seat belt on and so we hanging upside down when the car stopped. When the car rolled over, the front windshield popped out, so he climbed through there and thought he would run to my grandparents - about a mile and a half - to get help. He didn't realize that when the car rolled it also turned completely around facing the opposite direction. My parents, of course, had seen the wreck and were right there immedately to help us. We were all fine, but my brother's week old car was not!
30. Favorite day of the week?
My favorite day of the week is probably Monday - it's like starting over every week!
31. Favorite restaurant?
32. Favorite flower?
Roses, lilacs and lavender
33. Favorite ice-cream?
I don't eat sugar and haven't found a sugar-free ice cream I really like.
34. Favorite fast food restaurant?
Tastee Burger - they make the best old-fashioned hamburger
35. How many times did you fail your driver’s test?
I passed the first time
36. From whom did you get your last e-mail?
From my friend, Glenda
37. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
38. Last person you went to dinner with?
Jody and Chance
39. What are you listening to right now?
Meet The Press
40. What is your favorite color?
I love earthy colors - especially dark greens
41. How many tattoos do you have?
None, thank you!
42. How many are you sending this Email to?
43. What time did you finish this e-mail blog entry?
10:04 am
44. Favorite magazine:
Good Housekeeping
45. Coffee or tea?
I like both, but coffee is my first drink of the day!
46. Do you tan easily or burn easily?
I burn
47. Do you color your hair?
My daughter colors it for me!
48. What was the first car you ever purchased without the help of your parents?
1976 Ford Maverick - my car payment was $43.00 a month
49. What is your most dreaded household chore?
I really hate cleaning toilets
50 Who do you tag to complete this meme? Everyone who reads it. If you decide to do it, please let me know so that I can read yours!

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday's Feast

Who is your favorite news anchor/reporter?
My favorite news anchor would have to be Bob Woodruff of ABC news.
I'm sure everyone knows who he is and that he sustained a brain injury last year while reporting on the war in Iraq. He has shown, along with his family, such strength and faith during his recovery from that injury. I am always amazed at the strength of people who have devastating injuries, whether it be physical or emotional, and the ability to endure the pain and the sacrifices involved in recovering from those injuries, and to take back their lives.
Name 3 foods that are currently in your freezer.
Pork Chops
Butterball Turkey Breast
If you were to have the opportunity to name a new town or city, what would you call it?
I think I would name a new town Unity. How great would it be to have a town in which everyone works together as one body to accomplish great things.
Main Course
What will most likely be the next book you read?
Most likely, the Bible for my daily "fix". I love to read, but it seems like other things - housework, laundry, cooking - always get in the way of me finding time to relax and read a good book!
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender?
The first thing I notice are the eyes. I look everyone in the eye because I think you can see so much there. It's difficult to hide the kind of person you are when someone is looking directly into your eyes - at least that's what I think!

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Blessings! Blessings! Blessings!

The Lord has truly blessed me this week! I have so much to be thankful for – I keep thinking maybe I should wait to post until tomorrow – Thankful Thursday – but I’m sure I’ll have plenty to be thankful for tomorrow as well!

This is Spring Break and today, Elizabeth, Addy, Candace, Levi, Joey, Chance, Blake and I all went to the Little River Zoo in Norman. Michael was able to meet us at the zoo, but it was very near the end of our tour. The weather was great – just right for being outdoors. The kids got tired by the time our tour through the zoo was over, but revived themselves once we left the zoo and headed for snow cones and the park!

I had a lot of fun spending the day with the kids. There’s nothing better than having a day when you’re not on any kind of timed schedule and can spend all the time you want doing what you want! I think tomorrow will be another day of the same.

Tomorrow we all - + Toni - plan to go to the Jasmine Moran Children’s Museum in Seminole. It’s a “hands-on” museum and the kids love it! I know it will be a lot of fun!

Monday morning I had an appointment with my cardiologist. He is the same doctor who cared for both my Dad and my Mom during the later years of their lives. My Dad passed away 12 years ago and my Mom passed away last month. Each time I go to see Dr M, he always asks about my Mom. He was so great with both of them and genuinely cared for them.

Monday morning when I went in, Dr M and his nurse, T, asked about my Mom and how she’s doing. When my Mom died last month my daughter called Dr M’s office and let them know of her passing, but evidently the message did not get passed to either Dr M or T. When they asked about her, I told them that she passed away last month. They both had such a reaction that it made me lose my composure and tear up.

Dr M was very quiet for several minutes with his head lowered. He finally looked up and began to talk about how much he cared for both my parents. He talked about my Dad and said he still to this day could see my Dad’s face as clearly as he did the last time he saw my Dad alive. I could tell he and T both were upset by the news. I was really touched that they felt so strongly about my Mom’s passing. Dr M is a very compassionate man and it’s nice to have him caring for me as he did both of my parents!

The good news is more blessings! I’ve had several tests done during the past two weeks and have good results back on almost all of them! Dr M said I don’t have to return to see him for six months. He changed my medication a little bit, but nothing major. He said when I come back in six months he will schedule me for a stress test – yuck! He also wants to do blood work and maybe an echocardiogram then, too.

I had a mammogram last week and the results on it were normal. I had a bone density scan done last week and the results on it were good – even surprising to me. When I had my bone density scan done a year ago, the results showed that I had Osteopenia – not yet full blown Osteoporosis, but not good news either. I was afraid that I might have Osteoporosis this time, because after I finished the scan, the technician, even though she didn’t give me the results, handed me a book about Osteoporosis. My PCP said this scan was almost normal! Yay! God is Good!

I had a sleep study done which showed that I am having some sleep apnea, which I had several years back, also. I will, again, have to sleep with a CPAP machine. No big deal! I also have Restless Leg Syndrome and have now gotten some medication to help with that!

The only thing that really is a bit troublesome for me, although I guess maybe it’s not too bad – my blood work is showing an elevated level of something or other. I can’t remember what it is, but I have to have my blood work repeated again in two weeks. It was improved over the blood work done two weeks ago, but still not normal.

All in all, even though it may not sound like it, I am very pleased with the results of everything. I am feeling good and that means a lot! I am so thankful that God is working in my life and my health is good!

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Wordless Wednesday

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

What a Great Weekend!

This has been such a good weekend! Michael and Addy spent the day yesterday while Elizabeth worked at the wedding chapel. Jim and Sheila came out to finish packing up everything from the old house, so I kept Ethan and Samuel while they worked. Nick and Candace brought Levi and Joey out to play with the kids for a while. The weather was so beautiful! The kids were able to play outside most of the day and they loved it! They were sweaty and dirty and all smiles when they had to come inside.

My nephew Brad is in the Marines and learned earlier this year that he would be deployed to the Middle East this year. He is leaving next month, going to California for a month and will then be going to serve but will not be told exactly where in the Middle East until the time comes for him to leave the states.

My sister and her husband planned a get together for him yesterday evening, so that we could all be together before he leaves. He was married last summer and he and his wife live in another state. Even though the circumstances for getting together with the family may not always be the best, the feeling is always the same! It’s so great to see each other and to be together even for a short time. This was the first time we had all been together since Mother’s funeral and it was a time to share a few memories, laugh together and know that we are all there for each other always!

Michael, Elizabeth and Addy spent the night last night and then Chance and I went to church with them this morning at LifeChurch. What an experience! I was raised in the Church of Christ and that is where I have always attended, even if in different congregations. This was a totally new style of praise and worship for me! I definitely was uplifted and the singing was amazing! The message this morning was concerning Communion traditions and customs. The Pastor spoke, with an open Bible before him and quoted many scriptures during his sermon. Anytime the minister actually uses the Bible as his guide, it’s a good thing if you ask me! He was a great speaker and presented the lesson very well. The only thing different about the sermon delivery was that it was presented via a large TV screen! He was not present in the building, but the same recording/message was delivered simultaneously to each of the different campus of LifeChurch. There was an on-site Pastor who then led the Communion Service with scripture reading and prayer. Overall, it was a good experience. I miss the congregational singing, even though I did enjoy the music and singing by the band. The words to each song were shown on the TV screens for the congregation to sing along, but the voice of anyone singing along could not be heard above the band. I don’t really think that made my personal expression, through singing, any less effective or any less uplifting!

If you are familiar with practices of the Church of Christ, you know that we are very conservative. We do not use instrumental music; only our voices are lifted to God in praise and in worship! I have been to Contemporary Christian concerts a few times before and listen to this type of music often on the radio, so it’s not totally foreign to me except in the worship service. I will definitely return to LifeChurch again!

After church we went to Chili’s and had lunch together and then from there we went to the cemetery to put flowers on my Mom’s and Dad’s grave since Friday was my Mom’s birthday.

They are buried in Piedmont, which is very close to the town where I attended high school and then lived after I married Elizabeth’s dad. When my Mom, Elizabeth and I would go to the cemetery to decorate my Dad’s grave over the past 12 years, we always go to Cashion to see what’s changed since we left so many years ago! It’s always fun even though Cashion is not really a busy, tourist town! Today was the first time Michael had ever been to Cashion so it was fun showing him the house where I used to live, the school I attended – which by the way, has Kindergarten through 12th grade all in the same building!

We always “drag” Main St, which is three blocks long – and the town doesn’t even have one traffic light! There’s no grocery store there anymore, only one café, the Post Office and the Town Hall make up most of the town! It’s always fun to go there and see if there’s anything new!

We got back home about 4:00 and Michael and Elizabeth left, on their way to Michael’s Mom and Dad’s house where they will feed his parents animals because his parents went out of state for Spring Break. Addy is staying another couple of days with Jody and me so that Michael and Elizabeth can paint her room and get it all set up again once they finish painting.

I have a couple more doctor’s appointments this week and I hope that everything is normal for each of the tests I’ve had done over the past couple of weeks. I will also be called back for a 2nd interview on the job I interviewed on last week. I’m really excited about the interview. It sounds like something I would enjoy and best of all, it will be a paying job! I am definitely in need of that!

I’m looking forward to this week – the kids are all out of school and I’m going to get to spend some extra time with Chance and some time with the grandkids.

When you come to the edge of all the light you know,
and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown,
faith is knowing one of two things will happen:
There will be something solid to stand on,
or you will be taught how to fly.
Barbara J. Winter

Friday, March 16, 2007

My Mother's Birthday

Today would have been my Mother's 77th Birthday! The best thing about this day is knowing that she is no longer suffering. That she is at rest! I miss her, but I grieved for her over the past year because I really lost her to Dementia long before she passed from this earth. I couldn't let her day go by without at least a mention! I will always love her!

My Mothers Hands
Author Unknown
I held her hands in mine last night...
they looked so thin and worn...but they held
mine just as the day that I was born.
Those gentle and expressive hands...
etched by work and care...have folded over
my bedside...many times in humble prayer.
They've washed for me...they've fed me...
they've helped me be a woman...There's something
of our Lord, Himself...
In every mother's hand.

Friday's Feast

Name two things that made you smile this week.

) New flowers coming up in my flower bed - they are so beautiful! I love Springtime when everything comes to life again!
2) I drove downtown to test for a position I had applied for, but after testing was told the job had been filled - then the recruiter told me of another job she thought I might be interested in and is scheduling a second interview for next week!
Fill in the blank: Don't you hate it when -
You walk into a room, forget what you entered the room for in the first place and have to retrace your steps, going back where you began to trigger your memory!

When you can't go to sleep, what is your personal remedy to help yourself drift into Lullabyland?
I completely clear my mind of everything - no thoughts drifting in and do deep breathing exercises. Works every time!
Main Course
What is something about which you've always wondered but have not yet found a good answer?
My husband and I have been married for 18 years. My husband is a collector of pocket knifes, model cars and tools! I've often wondered why does a man need four of the exact same tool?! He's a great carpenter but he can't use them all at the same time, so what's the point?
What is your favorite pasta dish?
I absolutely love old-fashioned, home-made macaroni & Cheese - not the kind from a box, but made with a combination of different cheeses and baked in the oven until the top is golden brown! Yummy!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Elizabeth has joined Blogspot!

I have talked about my middle daughter, Elizabeth, many times in my blog entries. She had a blog on another forum and has now put her blog on blogspot. I would like to share her site with you - just click on her link at She's a pretty good writer and she writes about things she is passionate about, one of which is homeschooling! When you have some free time, please visit her site. I'm sure you'll be glad you did!

Thankful Thursday #1

I am thankful that I have a relationship with my Lord. When I think of the suffering Jesus endured so that, even I, could have hope of eternal life, I am amazed! When I am feeling overwhelmed or discouraged, the thought of His selflessness and his faith in God helps me to know that I can get through whatever is put before me - through Him.

I am thankful for my family. My husband is such a kind man and he loves me just as I am - not trying to make me into someone else! My children are amazing! Our three daughters are married and each one is also a Mom. When I see my daughters loving and caring for their children it makes my heart swell with pride. I can see in each one the love they have for their own family and my prayers before God are that they will, not only be happy in this life, but also allow their decisions to be guided by His word. Our son, Chance, is the baby - 17 years old. He is a junior in high school. He is very intelligent, kind and caring and he makes good choices, for the most part, in the friends he chooses and the activities in which he participates.

I am thankful that my job search is going well. I have been feeling stressed over the whole thing, but as in everything else, God is in control and I only have to be still and listen and He will guide me. I had an interview this morning and will be called back for a second interview. I will be praying that if this is the right place for me to be that He will lead me.

I am thankful for each day given to me because I know what an amazing gift it is and each day gives me another opportunity to serve God. Each day, the choices I make matter - not only to me, but also to the Lord and I don't take that responsibility lightly. What greater gift could we have than to be given each day to show this world the peace and the understanding that comes only from Him!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Today - Nothing Tackled!

I started to do my “Tackle It Tuesday” project today and then decided I just didn’t really feel like doing it – so I didn’t! I’m feeling stressed lately over the job-hunting situation. I need to find a job soon!
I have sent out several resumes and actually had a call today on a resume I sent to a particular business. The only problem was the office that pulled my resume and wanted me to interview was in Tulsa! I applied to the office here locally and I was certainly surprised when they asked me to come in for an interview and then told me where they were located. She asked whether or not I would consider relocating! I told her no and thanked her for the opportunity, but I’m staying where I am now. I have lived in this area for over 25 years and am pretty comfortable.
I have a couple of medical tests tomorrow and then Thursday I have a typing test to take for one of the jobs I applied for this week. Hopefully, that will produce good results.
I received a call today that my Mom’s Death Certificate is ready to pick up from the funeral home. I will do that tomorrow while I’m in town for testing. I still need to make a return appointment with the doctor – should have gone back this week – to run blood work a second time. I’m praying that the results from the test two weeks ago were just a fluke and this test will not show anything abnormal.
This past week I have been reminded of the joys (ha ha) of being a mom to a teenager! Chance is such a great kid and when he doesn’t live up to my expectations it throws me off for a couple of days. I try to “pick my battles” and only insist on a certain standard when the consequences of his actions could be detrimental to his existence (that’s probably a little extreme on my part!) He and I have always shared a close relationship and now that he’s 17 that has started to change. I know that’s normal and I know it has to happen, but I’m really not ready for it! He still feels like my “baby” and I’m finding it difficult to see him as the young man that he has become over the past year. I know, through prayer, we will get through this part of his life – just like I got through each of the girls’ lives – and come out closer as a family.
Jim and Sheila came over last Friday after the baby’s appointment with the pediatrician. I kept Ethan here until they return on Thursday when they will take him back home. I thought it would give Sheila a break with the new baby since Jim returned to work this week. I took Ethan to Elizabeth’s yesterday to spend the night and then realized my medical tests were scheduled for tomorrow morning. I also, today, scheduled a typing test for a job opportunity I am pursuing, so she said she would bring him back on Thursday before she goes to work at the wedding chapel. She is going to bring Addy then as well and she will stay with us for a couple of days.
I had asked Candace to bring the boys over tomorrow to spend some time with Ethan, but had to cancel since I won’t be home. Candace and I used to talk every day, but she’s no longer “allowed” to talk to us. She still calls every couple of days while her husband is at work. I don’t call her except during the day so that I don’t get her in “trouble”. I worry about her and the boys every day. I pray about the situation daily and try to give it over to God. I know that’s the only way things will change. She’s afraid to leave now – he has made threats about what will happen to her if she does leave, thereby controlling her by fear and intimidation. I don’t know how long things can continue as they are between them. She’s made a choice not to share the details of her marriage with everyone and some people – even family members – have made comments that they believe she is just blowing things out of proportion. The comments are unfair and completely wrong! She needs support now, especially from the people who are closest to her. I constantly reassure that her that Jody and I support whatever decision she makes whether we agree with those decisions or not, we love her and that’s what matters! She and I have been able to talk about the issues because I know from experience how hard it is to make a decision when you’re involved in a domestic violence situation. It seems so clear-cut to other people looking in because they don’t have first-hand experience. Oh, if it were only that easy! What a wonderful world this would be!
I don’t hear anything from our oldest daughter. When we call, our calls are not answered. I’ve sent a couple of messages to be added to her list of “friends” so that I can read her blog and keep up with things that way, but those messages have also gone unanswered. Candace says she is having the same results when she tries to communicate with her. I pray for her daily as well. I’m concerned about the life choices she is making and don’t know how to reach her anymore.
Well, I at least have to say that Elizabeth and Michael are very happy together and for that I am thankful. I say it often, but I believe that God put the two of them together and great things will come from their union. They are both so strong in faith and they are both dedicated to living in service to Him.
I am going to go with them to Life Church on Sunday to see what they are so excited about when they talk about the service there. So many things have happened at my church home that I really am looking for a new place to worship where there is enthusiasm and love for God and for each of the members. I love the congregation where we have worshipped – and where Jody and I met – but feel like it’s time to move on to something else, although I will miss everyone there. There are many people that I love like family.
Well, I guess I can step down from my soapbox for today! I had a lot of things on my mind and I feel like now that I’ve written them down, I can actually address them. That’s one of the great things I have found in “blogging” – seeing things written helps me to work them out and get things resolved.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

-In The Blink Of An Eye -

I want to share with you an important link to my sister-in-law, Annie's blog. If you are a parent, a grandparent, or a neighbor to families with children, Annie has such a testimony to share about the dangers of near-drowning accidents and how just a moment can change lives forever. Annie shares the experience of her daughter's near drowning accident and their life since that time. If you want to meet a woman of true faith in the healing power of our Lord, Annie is a great example and I believe that you will be truly touched by the story she shares!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Tackle It Tuesday #1

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

This is my first Tackle It Tuesday, but I love the idea! I had several projects in mind today, but since the weather was so good, I decided I would "tackle" my flower bed - get it ready for spring! I've been meaning to clean it out, get rid of all the dead stuff in it and get the leaves out, but just had not taken time to do it. So that was my project today.

(Sorry, I accidentally deleted all my pictures of my flower bed)
Here's the before:

Here's the after(with my little helper):

I felt like I accomplished a lot today, even though I didn't get much housework done! My granddaughter, Addy spent the night with us last night and we had a busy day today! First thing this morning we got up and went to my brother's house to feed his horses and his cat. He and his wife are in Hawaii this week for their anniversary, so Elizabeth volunteered to feed while they are gone. I had driven Elizabeth's car back to my house yesterday after spending the afternoon with her, so she had no way to get to his house to feed today. Addy and I decided we would go and feed for her.

As we were driving out to feed, my youngest brother - whose wife just had a baby on Friday - called and they were in town and wanted to see if I could keep their two boys while they loaded up some of the boxes from their house here to be taken to their new home. I jumped at the chance to keep the boys. We haven't had a baby in our family for awhile, so I enjoyed every moment that I spent holding him - the entire time I had him! I, of course, took a few pictures of the baby, big brother and Addy while they were with me.

Shortly after they left, it was time to pick up Chance from school and then we went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. Of course, those few things turned into more things and we ended up staying there for a couple of hours. I finished the flower bed once we got home and I was so thrilled to get it done that I'm now ready to tackle the other two flower beds. The one I did today is the biggest, so the other two won't take as long.

I've been fighting "the blues" since my Mom died last month and working in the yard was the best medicine I could have received. It felt great to be out in the sun, doing something useful again!

My first "Tackle It Tuesday" was a great success and I look forward to next week!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

In Need of Prayer

This has been a rough weekend for my youngest daughter and I would like to ask for prayer on her behalf. She has had problems since the beginning of her marriage but they have escalated to violence. She is trying to make decisions regarding the future for her children and herself, but is having a trouble making the changes she knows she needs to make for their safety. My heart is heavy and I am really worried about her and my grandsons. I pray that measures can be taken soon, before something happens!

We did have a bright spot this weekend - I have a new nephew. He was born on Friday evening and Mom and baby are doing great! His big brother is very excited and can hardly wait to get him home.

I am still unemployed, which at this time is not such a bad thing. My doctor has scheduled me, during the next two weeks, for a number of appointments and tests to be done. I would like to get them all out of the way before starting a new job.

Chance is finally "on the mend." He has really been sick with an upper respiratory infection. The meds prescribed by the doctor have done the trick. He still has a bad cough, but it does sound better than it did a week ago.

Addy spent the night Wednesday and Thursday this past week. It's always fun to have her around. I miss seeing her and the other grandkids. I would love to be able to see them much more than I do now. Candace brought the boys out a couple of days last week. They love to come out here because they can play outside without Candace worrying about them. We're far enough out and back from the road that they can play to their heart's content. They love to be outside!

Well, that's all for now. Please keep Candace and the boys in prayer, as well as her husband.

Mark 11:22) "Have faith in God," Jesus answered.

23) "I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain,

'Go, throw yourself into the sea,'

and does not doubt in his heart

but believes that what he says will happen,

it will be done for him.

24) Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer,

believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

25) And when you stand praying,

if you hold anything against anyone,

forgive him,

so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."

Friday, March 2, 2007

Friday's Feast #1 for me

What does the color pink make you think of?
My Granddaughter, Addy - pink is her favorite color, My friend, Phyllis - pink is also her favorite color and Ballerinas

Name something you thought you had lost, but later found.
This past Christmas I put together gifts for each of my family members to be given to them from my Mom (who was not able to do the gifts by herself this year). I bought frames, matted for three separate 5 x 7 pictures, for each of my Mother's six children and had the pictures in mind that I wanted to put into each frame. The pictures were - a current picture of my Mom, taken right before Christmas, a copy of the last picture my Mom and Dad had done together and a picture of my Mom and Dad at the time they married at age 16 and 22, respectively. I thought that I had lost the early picture of them and looked for days before I finally found it! I was so relieved to find the picture and was able to finish the gifts in time for Christmas!

In 3 words, describe this past week.
Reflective, Quiet and Peaceful

Main Course
What are you obsessed with?
Taking pictures and blogging/Learning about other people by reading their blogs

What kind of perfume or cologne do you like to wear?
Amazing Grace and Falling In Love both by Philosophy

Check out more Friday's Feast participants

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #11 - Memes

Thirteen Memes I found through "Bloghopping"


Menu Plan Monday. Although I don’t post on this one, I regularly read Annie’s Annie's site and am finding some great recipes. I am not a planner (unfortunately), but through this meme at Organizing Junkie's site, I may become one!

Mirth On Monday. - I found this one at a site called "Our Whole World in his Hands & Other Adventures. The purpose of this meme is to get to know everyone better and hopefully spread a little joy throughout the blog world.


Tackle It Tuesday. Hosted by 5 Minutes For Mom. I love the idea of this one. I have many drawers, closets, nooks & crannies that need to be tackled! I plan to begin this one next week.


Wordless Wednesday. This one is also hosted by 5 Minutes For Mom. I have seen this one on several blog sites and thought it looked like fun! Finding the right picture each week will be a new adventure for me.


Works For Me Wednesday. Hosted by Shannon at Rocks In My Dryer. - Basically, the idea is that on Wednesday you post a little tip you've learned--whether on parenting, or cleaning, or computers...basically anything that has "worked for you" in making your life easier. I think this one will definitely help me out in almost every aspect of day to day living. I can use all the help I can get!


Thursday Thirteen. This is my 11th TT and even though I don’t do it every week, I enjoy reading the TT entries on other blogs.


Thankful Thursday. Hosted at Sting My Heart. I found this one either by coincidence or I was led to it, but either way, am glad I found it. This is another one I am definitely going to add to my list of “Do’s” .


Tasty Thursday. Hosted by Trista. Trista says, “Lately I have been in the menu doldrums, cooking the same thing week-after-week or every other week. This will help us all find new dishes to cook for our families.” I know I can use help finding new recipes to try on my family. I’m pretty much stuck, too.


Slow Cooking Thursday. I also found this one while reading Annie's site - hosted at Family Corner and am finding more great recipes.


Friday’s Feast. This one I found through Barbara’s blog, another blog I read regularly. Each Friday questions are posted to be answered on your blog for the day. I have not tried this one either, but have enjoyed reading other’s feasts.


Weekend Reflection. This is another meme I saw on Annie's site (I love reading her blog and find so many other interesting sites). I haven’t started this one and am not sure that I will, but I enjoy reading about other bloggers’ weeks.


Photo Hunters. I love taking pictures and when I found this site through Sting My Heart, I was really excited. This sounds like another great adventure.

13.. Scattegories Meme. I found this one at Are We There Yet - It looks like fun and I think I am going to try this one for sure!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!