Friday, August 28, 2009

My Last Post

I've decided to take a break from blogging (like I haven't already!). This is my last post - for a while or longer - haven't decided. I'm thankful for the friendships I made with other bloggers - they mean a lot to me.

In His Love and Blessings

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

65 Questions

Leslie (my niece) tagged me on Facebook for this fun(?) little survey! Here goes, Leslie!

65 Questions You've Probably Never Been Asked know the rules. Tag people in this note (including the person who tagged you!) to learn more about your friends.

1. First thing you wash in the shower? My face

2. What color is your favorite hoodie? Dark Pink

3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Of course – it was one of the daycare babies!

4. Do you plan outfits? Only if I’m going out, otherwise I want clean and comfortable!

5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? content

6. What’s the closest thing to you that's red? Red letters on Bowflex

7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having: It was a nightmare and I don’t want to think about it again!

8. Did you meet anybody new today? No

9. What are you craving right now? Nothing

10. Do you floss daily? Yes

11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? Mmmmm – love cooked cabbage

12. Are you emotional? I am – even commercials on tv sometimes make me cry: Hallmark, Maxwell House coffee, etc.

13. Have you ever counted to 1,000? Only if I was counting money, so not often!

14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? Don’t eat ice cream

15. Do you like your hair? Sometimes

16. Do you like yourself? I’m working on it!

17. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? I would – I would love to sit and talk with him!

18. What are you listening to right now? TV

19. Are your parents strict? They were – now that I’m over 50 I pretty much make up my own mind!

20. Would you go sky diving? Maybe out of the back of a pick-up truck!

21. Do you like cottage cheese? Love it!

22. Have you ever met a celebrity? Yes – a long time ago at a Comedy Club – Pat Paulson – even got his autograph Also met Daven Joseph, Tampa Buccaneers – up close and personal

23. Do you rent movies often? Not often

24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in? Yes, but I have all my "sparkly stuff" hidden way!

25. How many countries have you visited? I have never set foot outside of the USA

26. Have you made a prank phone call? I’m afraid so – as a kid!

27. Ever been on a train? Once – in Hugo, OK

28. Brown or white eggs? Both

29.Do you have a cell-phone? Yes

30. Do you use Chap Stick? Definitely – well, usually another brand

31. Do you own a gun? Does a staple gun count?

32. Can you use chop sticks? Very well – I just stab the food with it and pick it up

33. Who are you going to be with tonight? Myself – Michael, Elizabeth and Addy are home, but I am in my room

34. Are you too forgiving? I forgive, but find it hard to forget some things. I work on this daily

35. Ever been in love? I thought so

36. What is your best friend(s) doing tomorrow? Working

37. Ever have cream puffs? I have not eaten sugar in over 6 years – I probably had some before then

38. Last time you cried? Yesterday

39. What was the last question you asked? Do you have a needle? Addy likes to get scraps of material from me to “sew” and she was getting some thread and scissors to sew tonight

40. Favorite time of the year? I love Fall for the colors, but I also love Spring because of the beautiful greens, Winter is actually pretty too – if there’s snow and summer’s nice until the grass turns brown! Hmm, I guess I like them all!

41. Do you have any tattoos? No

42. Are you sarcastic? I am and have to be selective when I use it because it takes certain people with a certain type of personality to appreciate real sarcasm

43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? No

44. Ever walked into a wall? Only once????

45. Favorite color? I love color and don’t have a real favorite

46. Have you ever slapped someone? Yes

47. Is your hair curly? No – maybe a little wavy since I’ve gotten older

48. What was the last CD you bought? I don’t even know – it’s been a long time

49. Do looks matter? Not nearly as much as what’s inside!

50. Could you ever forgive a cheater? I did – but thinks didn’t work out for other reasons

51. Is your phone bill sky high? I don’t have a phone bill of my own, but rarely use my cell phone and don’t have a home phone

52. Do you like your life right now? I can say I’m content. My life has changed a lot in the past year and a half and I’m still adjusting!

53. Do you sleep with the TV on? No

54. Can you handle the truth? I would like to say yes, but honestly, there are times that I struggle with the truth

55. Do you have good vision? Yes, I do have good distance vision (after laser eye surgery about 8 years ago), but I do sometimes have to wear reading glasses.

56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? I don’t hate anyone. There are people whose actions I hate or dislike, but not the person

57. How often do you talk on the phone? Not often...I don’t enjoy talking on the phone – face to face or email for me

58. The last person you held hands with? Addy

59. What are you wearing? Black knit pants and dark green t-shirt

60.What is your favorite animal? I like animals – as long as they live somewhere other than my house

61. Where was your default picture taken at? J C Penney Portrait Studios – Dec 2008

62. Can you hula hoop? With the Wii – I can’t in real life (tried it with Addy’s)

63. Do you have a job? I have been unemployed since July last year – I do help Elizabeth with her in-home daycare

64. What was the most recent thing you bought? Sonic - Diet Dr Pepper

65. Have you ever crawled through a window? Yes, but don’t tell anyone! Ssshhhh

If you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged. If you want to play, please let me know once you post your answers – I’d love to read them and learn more about you!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Daddy's Rules Were Not Made To Be Broken!!

When I was younger – much, much younger – girls at our house did not mow the yard! My Dad said that was work for the boys only! Of course, before the boys could actually mow, the girls’ job was to go out first , check the yard for anything that could be thrown by the mower – rocks, sticks, etc. – and clean all of it up! This was to ensure that the boys were not injured while mowing. I never really understood why if the boys were going to mow why they couldn’t first check the yard for hazards! Oh, well!

One of Daddy’s firm rules when mowing was to always wear jeans and tennis shoes – no shorts or flip-flops allowed! We didn’t actually call them flip-flops then, but those of you who were around at that time know by what name they were called!

I grew up actually loving to be outside and working in the yard! I have been doing yard work on my own for a very long time and have gotten away from Daddy’s rules. I do try to pick up any hazards before I mow . . . or at least those that I can reach as I mow! I like to wear my shorts, tank top and . . . you guessed it – flip-flops!! How else could I also get some sun while I’m in the yard?

I’ve been reminded many times why the rules still apply and yet, each time I mow – I set those rules aside . . . for the “sun exposure” you know! Because Michael and Elizabeth live in a housing addition in town, I decided about a month ago that I would not only trim the hedges, trim the trees and clean the leaves out of the “rock” beds, I would edge the yard next to the sidewalk, driveway and curb in order to show that we, too, care about our lawn as much as the neighbors do (who of course, always edge their yards).

I have always lived in the country or in an apartment (mostly country) and we never edged! Actually there were no curbs, paved driveways or sidewalks – therefore, no need to edge! Anyway, I got the weed-eater out to edge and I broke it – even before I started! Deciding that certainly would not stop me, I edged the entire yard with a kitchen knife! Yes, a kitchen knife! One of our neighbors felt so bad for me, he gave me a full bag of fertilizer! Thanks, Mr. K!

Anyway, weed-eater fixed now! Yesterday when I went out to do my weekly yard work, I wore – yup, again the shorts, tank top and flip-flops! As I went about my work, I had stuff thrown at my legs and my feet the entire time I was edging and weed-eating! This morning, they looked and felt pretty banged up.

Moral of this story – Daddy made rules for a reason! I’m seriously considering jeans and tennis shoes next time!

In His Love and Blessings

Monday, August 3, 2009

Living - Where I Am Now!



Today is the 62nd anniversary of my Mom and Dad’s marriage. Of course, they have both passed away, but I’ve thought about them a lot today. I miss them both so much and especially my mom right now as I go through the changes taking place in my life. I remember how much my mom missed her own mother after she passed away. I never really understood the depth of her feelings until that evening that my mom went home to be with the Lord.

I’ve been in a little bit of a “funk” today – I guess missing them, knowing it is their anniversary and also because of my own marital situation. Even though (and I’ve said it before) I know it is the best possible solution for both Jody, me and other loved ones – it still leaves an emptiness inside of me.

5) And you have forgotten that word of encouragement
that addresses you as sons:
"My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline,
and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
6) because the Lord disciplines those he loves,
and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."
7) Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons.
For what son is not disciplined by his father?

Hebrews 12:5-7

9) Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined
us and we respected them for it.
How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!
10) Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best;
but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness.
11) No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.
Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace
for those who have been trained by it.

Hebrews 12:9-11

If someone had told me 20 years ago that this is where our marriage would end up, I would not have believed it! If someone had told me that certain things would transpire between us, I would have laughed and told them they had no idea what they were talking about! If anyone had said I would lose loved ones as I have, I would say no way - If you just love them with everything you have in you, you’ll never lose those you love!

When Jody and I married, I had such high expectations for us. We were both Christians; we both loved our children that we brought with us into the marriage, we loved each other’s children – because they were a part of each of us. I always thought that we would be a happy family – enjoying being together as much as possible.

My command is this:
Love each other as I have loved you.
John 15:12

My mom always told me that your children will do what you expect from them. Your expectations should be based on Godly principles, love and safety! As my children grew, I also learned that once they reached a certain age, it was more about asking questions before making a decision – is what they want something that goes against God’s teachings? Is what they want something that is illegal? Is what they want something that will harm them? If you can answer “no” to these three questions, then even though you may not especially like it, it’s probably okay!

One of the things I learned during my counseling last year is that sometimes “expectations” cause hurt, anger and depression – at least for me! When I expect a certain behavior from someone and they don’t meet that expectation, it’s very personal and causes me to feel bad. I am trying to learn to live without “expectations”! It’s not easy!

I am learning to live where I am now! My life is what it is and every choice I make on a daily basis helps to shape my “as is” life. It’s not what I expected – but I choose to make it positive!

9) Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil;
cling to what is good.
10) Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.
Honor one another above yourselves.

Romans 12:9-10

In His Love and Blessings

Saturday, July 25, 2009

"Feeling" My Life - As Is!

It’s been a while since I posted because I think I’m beginning to “feel” my life as it is now! Jody and I are separated and will either stay married, but separated or we will divorce. It’s hard to see our marriage of over 20 years ending, but I know it’s the only thing left to do after so many years of trying to make it work.

I’m beginning to feel a confidence in myself that I’ve not felt in a long time and it really feels good! I’m preparing myself, mentally, for job hunting beginning in February. I am praying that I will gain employment quickly and in a place where I can let “my light shine”!

I’ve been participating in life a little more and actually enjoying it! A few weeks ago, I went with Elizabeth, Michael and Addy and spent the weekend at my brother’s. We had a great time and I was so glad that I went with them. The past year, I’ve stuck very close to home – not wanting to be around people. I think the fear of being hurt really caused me to limit my activities and my relationships!

Last weekend was the annual family reunion with my Dad’s family. We’ve met every year in July for many, many years and I enjoy it even more now than when I was a child. I love being able to see everyone and find out how they’ve been doing, seeing how the children have grown, who’s gotten married and who’s having children! I have an amazing family which includes not only my siblings, but extended family on both my dad’s side and my mom’s side. I am so thankful!

My mom and dad have both passed away, as well as two of my dad’s brother’s and one aunt. I miss them. This, in my opinion, is the most difficult part of getting older – losing loved ones. I miss my mom and dad every day and know that there will be more as I age!

Today, Jody called me to let me know that one of the guys he worked with passed away this morning. He was 31 years old and had a massive heart attack! It’s very sad because I knew him and have known his family because many of the family members worked together with Jody. It really hits home that none of us knows what tomorrow brings!

I’ve been sewing! I used to sew a lot when my children were young and would stay up all night to finish a project. Elizabeth brought some fabric and I’ve completed two of the projects for Addy and am very pleased with the job! I have enough fabric for three more projects and need to get started on those, too.

I will post some family pics from the reunion soon and also some pics of the outfits I’ve completed for Addy! I’m looking forward to a new week!

In His Love and Blessings

Monday, July 6, 2009

Great 4th of July!

I went with Michael, Elizabeth and Addy this weekend to my brother's house. My brother and his wife have three young children and they live in a small town in northern Oklahoma. I love visiting there, not only because I get to spend time with the family, but also for the small town life!

When we go for the weekend, we always get up on Saturday morning (early) to go downtown to Margie's restaurant for breakfast. It's so fun because the town is so small everybody knows everybody else and greet each other like family! My brother, besides his regular 40-hour a week job, is a member of the volunteer fire dept, ambulance crew and is friends with the police department! My sister-in-law works at the bank in town, so is also known by everyone - besides the fact that she grew up in this same town!

It's always great to spend time with my family - even more so when things are "different" in my life. My family is truly a blessing from God and I'm so thankful to be a part of this family. Even though Jody and I are going through the changes that we are, my family is always open, loving and non-judgmental! They love me unconditionally and support me . . . always! They also care about Jody - not because he was my husband, but because of the person that he is! They have always cared about him and I know that hasn't changed and will not change. He will always be welcomed by all of them!

My brother had to work most of the time we were there, but we had a great time with his wife and the kids over the weekend. We got there on Friday evening and just spent time at home talking and catching up with each other. They have the sweetest kiddos and I love them so much!

Saturday was free swim day at the city pool and also free Putt-Putt miniature golf! We spent a couple of hours at the pool, left there and went to my sister-in-law's parents where they were celebrating a birthday! Her parents are great and always make us feel welcome. We then picked up some fireworks for the kids - sparklers, worms, smoke bombs, champagne poppers and a fountain. Fireworks - except for those we bought - are not legal in town, but the kids had a great time with the things that were bought for them.

We got so busy with everything on Saturday that we forgot to go play Putt-Putt! Thankfully, the kiddos didn't notice because we were so busy! They were exhausted and went to bed early enough that the grown-ups were able to play a couple of games before bed.

We left for home after lunch on Sunday. It's about a three hour trip, but always well worth the drive! We had a great time - as we always do! Thanks, you guys - it was great to see you!

In His Love and Blessings

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I've nothing to hide!!

If you have visited my blog recently, you noticed that I had changed it from Public to Private. I will not go into the reasons why, but have decided that my blog will again be public. I have nothing to hide and enjoy blogging and don’t feel the need to hide my thoughts!

I will, however, no longer be mentioning Jody’s daughters or their families on my blog – by request! I won’t go into detail about that, but I am respecting the wishes of the one who made that request.

With that said, I also want to state that: I am not a liar! I am not a thief! Jody and I – together – raised the three children we brought into our marriage and the child that we had together! We made all decisions together, we loved them together, we cared for them the best we knew how and thought we did a good job! Every childhood toy that belonged to any one of our children is stored in a storage room in Jody’s shop - because I could never get rid of them! I thought they might want them someday and the toys are there whenever, if ever they choose to take them.

I was never a perfect mother – still working on it – but I loved our children. I worked very hard to maintain a balance of equality, individuality and separate personality for each one of our children. I made mistakes and for those I have apologized and don’t know what else to do to make things better. Jody and I are both sorry for the decisions that have been made, but we are trying to deal with things in an adult and loving way. We still have two of our children who want us both in their lives and we will be there – both of us – for them!

With that being said, I will continue to blog about my life, about my two biological children – their accomplishments and all the reasons I love them and am so proud of the adults they have become!

In His Love and Blessings

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Endings that lead to Beginnings!

I've thought, for two weeks now, that I would update my blog, but still am not sure what to write . . . so, here goes:
Jody and I have decided to separate - for the final time! After getting back together, after an 8 month separation last year, I was really hopeful - and in prayer over our relationship. We did attend counseling with the Family Pastor where I have attended church for the past year and a half, but it is over for us. There's nothing more than that to say!
Elizabeth and Michael left this morning for a trip to D.C. They will be back on Monday, but already Addy is missing her mommy! Elizabeth called from the airport when they arrived and was able to talk with her for a bit and I'm sure will call back later. Addy has been a little teary-eyed and clingy this morning. She's not been away from her mother for more than a weekend since she was about a year old and she's feeling it!
She and I have the next couple of days to spend together - just the two of us and I know we'll have a good time . . . but, I'm still not mommy! Friday evening she will go with her dad and stay with him until Monday afternoon. She always has a good time with him, too. I know she'll be fine!
Tonight, Addy has her first choir practice and is excited about it. She was in a choir a couple of years ago and participated in a Christmas program, which was really cute! She loves to sing and is a natural performer!
My weekend will be spent . . . hmmmm, Oh, yeah! I will be cleaning house, doing laundry, mowing, trimming hedges, pulling weeds, etc. The highlight of my weekend will probably be feeding the dog and the fish and then sitting for hours watching the fish swim around the tank. Try not to be too envious - it's not always as exciting as it sounds!
Today through Friday I have the daycare kiddos to care for, although we are minus a few! Two of the kiddos went to NY to visit grandparents (with mom and dad) and another one is off this week because mommy is home all week! Most days I will have only two plus Addy, so it's going to be pretty quiet around here.
Those are my plans - you have anything going on this week so, you know, maybe I can imagine myself doing something fun?!

In His Love and Blessings

Friday, May 29, 2009

Fabulous N Fit Challenge

Join the Challenge!
I have!!

is challenging anyone (even non-bloggers)
to join the Fabulous N Fit Challenge!

Here's what she has to say:

Hi my name is Heather, my birthday is September 25th and I am going to be FABULOUS N FIT by then! Who's going to join me? I invite ANY and all to join in this challenge, which will run from June 1st to September 22nd (the official beginning of fall) this is 17 & 1/2 weeks away. Plenty of time to lose some weight . You are even welcome to join the Fabulous N Fit Challenge if you don't have a blog. There is NO CUT OFF date so you are welcome to join the Fabulous N Fit Challenge at any time.

My starting weight is: 183 lbs

In His Love and Blessings

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thank you, God, that I am ENOUGH!!

Mark 10
1-2 From there he(Jesus) went to the area of Judea across the Jordan.

A crowd of people, as was so often the case, went along,

and he, as he so often did, taught them.

Pharisees came up, intending to give him a hard time. They asked,

"Is it legal for a man to divorce his wife?"

3 Jesus said, "What did Moses command?"

4 They answered, "Moses gave permission

to fill out a certificate of dismissal and divorce her."

5-9 Jesus said, "Moses wrote this command only as a concession

to your hardhearted ways.

In the original creation, God made male and female to be together.

Because of this, a man leaves father and mother,

and in marriage he becomes one flesh with a woman

—no longer two individuals, but forming a new unity.

Yesterday, I had a comment on a blog post from “anonymous”! It was unbelievable to me – the names I was called and the things said in the comment by someone who doesn’t even know me! We traced the comment and knew where it came from and discovered who the person was that wrote it.

I have met this person twice and I don’t know her - at all – and she does not know me – at all! The only things she knows about me are what she has been told – by someone I love - which made the comment hurt that much more. Things that are not even the truth, have been told to this person and I cannot even wrap my mind around why this would happen.

I know that the person telling these things is angry with me. I know this person has been hurt and for that I am truly sorry. I would never want to cause pain to this person. I have been praying that this relationship, as well as another, would be healed.

Jody and I talked, about these relationships, last night after a lot of drama had taken place. He said it doesn’t appear that things will change and that I probably should just be prepared for that very result. I don’t know how to give up on it. I don’t know how to turn off the love that I have for those from which I am estranged, although for now I will try not to dwell on the way things are, but I will continue praying - asking God to heal the wounds.

Ephesians 5:24-26 (The Message)

22-24 Wives, understand and support your husbands

in ways that show your support for Christ.

The husband provides leadership to his wife

the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing.

So just as the church submits to Christ as he exercises such leadership,

wives should likewise submit to their husbands.

Jody has become my rock since we came back together after the separation. We had so many problems in our marriage before the separation, but the commitment we made when we came back together has made us closer than we have been in 20 years of marriage! We are putting a high priority on our marriage - a marriage that glorifies God! We're putting each other over all others on this earth to make our marriage strong! Jody is my focus and I believe that I am his!

Ephesians 5:24-26 (The Message)

25-28 Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives,

exactly as Christ did for the church

—a love marked by giving, not getting.

Christ's love makes the church whole.

His words evoke her beauty.

Everything he does and says is designed to bring the best out of her,

dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness.

And that is how husbands ought to love their wives.

They're really doing themselves a favor

—since they're already "one" in marriage.

I am thankful that our marriage is on the right course. I am thankful that we chose to re-commit to our marriage rather than just throw it away. I am thankful that he loves me and I thank God that I am enough!

In His Love and Blessings

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jody - first 24 hrs after Surgery

Jody’s first 24 hours after surgery have been pretty tough on him. Last night about 10:15 all the patients in the hospital had to be moved to the recovery area, away from all windows, because the hospital was right in the path of a possible tornado. The sirens had blown in that area of the city, so I called the hospital to check and they were moving the patients at that time. I called back about 2:30 am and talked to Jody’s nurse and she said they only had to stay in the recovery area for about 15 minutes before the all clear was sounded and the patients could go back to their rooms.

When I got to the hospital this morning, Jody told me about being moved and how “bumpy” the ride was to get there! He has been in a lot of pain since the surgery and is not getting much relief. The doctor had told me this was going to happen, but I don’t think Jody was really prepared for it. He was in pain – a lot of pain today, as well.

The PA came in this evening to talk to him about his pain level. She explained a lot to us and tried to help Jody understand why he is in so much pain. She answered questions for us and told us what to expect in his recovery and said he may be able to come home on Saturday, but that’s not certain yet.

She also gave us some news which really threw me for a loop! It was not what I had expected and was quite a blow! I had expected such a different outcome and was saddened to have those expectations brought down as she gave us the reality! Thankfully God, not the doctors know for sure what will happen and I am praying that God will intervene and things won’t be the same as predicted.

The PA increased the dosage on a couple of meds to see if that would get the pain under control. I’m praying that it does help and gives him some relief!

Jody’s mom, dad and Candace came to visit tonight at the hospital, but didn’t stay long. He was in so much pain and I’m sure they felt it! I know that he was glad to see them anyway, but is just feeling so bad he didn’t feel much like visiting yet. I had stepped out while they visited so that they could have time with him. When I walked back into his room he had his cell phone calling me to come back because they had gone. I feel so bad for him and everything he’s going through with this surgery.

Jody is not one to sit still or lie around in bed, but instead needs to be up and moving whenever he wants and he’s feeling pretty tied down right now. He’s a bit demanding and not altogether reasonable, but I am (trying) to be mindful of the amount of pain he’s experiencing. I love him and it hurts to see him this way.

I’ll be back at the hospital with him in the morning to spend another day. I hope that he does better and is able to relax some tomorrow. Maybe he will be able to sleep tonight with the increase in medication and that will help him feel better. Right now, he’s refusing food and not drinking much so that’s a concern, too. The PA explained that he has to eat, especially protein right now to help his body heal more quickly and effectively from the surgery.

Please pray that tonight will be the beginning of a turnaround and that his pain will be better controlled. Please pray for God’s healing hands to touch him and get him through this recovery quickly. I don’t know what the future looks like for him - and for us – God knows and I’m trusting in Him!

In His Love and Blessings

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm a Contributing Writer!

Today I am a contributing writer at Internet Cafe Devotions!
Hope you'll visit me there and look around the site - it's a great place to find inspiration!

In His Love and Blessings

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Daybook

FOR TODAY, May 11, 2009 ... I am choosing to focus - on enjoying each moment with which God has blessed me; . . . on loving my family & friends; . . . on my husband and our life together!

Outside my window... it's chilly and raining - the grass and trees are so green and beautiful!

I am thinking... that I have so much to do today and need to get busy!

I am thankful for... my life! I'm thankful that Jody and I are together, loving each other and looking forward to our future!

From the learning rooms... we (meaning the daycare kiddos) are making a "my favorite things" page!

From the kitchen... I am going to put some chicken breasts in the crockpot and then decide what to do with them after they finish cooking!

I am wearing... navy blue sweats, a blue t-shirt, white socks and a black sweater! Yes, I am a fashionista - I am also freezing!

I am creating... pictures for the kiddos to glue on their craft page!

I am going... to the chiropractor this afternoon and then to Walmart for a couple of things!

I am reading... I have so many things to read and intend to start soon!

I am hoping... for some dry weather this week so we can play outside!

I am hearing... the sounds of the kiddos playing

Around the house... laundry is underway - bedclothes, towels, clothing

One of my favorite things... is my Bible! It is the Bible that I gave my Mom for her birthday the year before she passed away and she gave it back to me as her passing came near. It is large print and has a beautiful Thomas Kincade cover.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Jody will be having surgery on Wednesday morning. It will be about a 4 hour surgery on his back. We are praying that God will cover him with His protection and healing and that he will guide the surgeon's hands through the surgery.

One of my devotional posts will be published
on Internet Chat Cafe tomorrow, May 12.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This is a picture of my great-aunt as she was teaching a Bible class during Sunday School at church. My aunt has passed away, and this picture is very precious to me! This could be a picture of any of the women in my family as they studied. They all had and have a great love for the Lord and spent many hours in His Word. I strive to be as faithful and devoted as they were and as they are!

Join the Simple Woman's Daybook here!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Three Generations of Moms

Happy Mother's Day
This is a picture of My mom, Elizabeth & Addy and me
Taken in May 2002
I love my mom so much - she was the hub of our family. I miss her every day! I thank God that she was my mom and for all the valuable lessons she taught me!

In His Love and Blessings

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Homeschool - She's Doing Great!!

As most know, my daughter Elizabeth homeschools Addyson. I love that Elizabeth, Michael and John (Addy's Dad) haven chosen this path for her. I have seen her truly blossom since the decision to take her out of public school and keep her at home.

Lately, there are some who have been making comments - in front of Addy - about her "lack" of education. I'm sad that they don't know her the way we do and don't understand the great knowledge she is gaining through homeschooling! She is in competition with no one, studies the Bible in her daily curriculum, learns through many everyday life situations and is being taught by her parents - the people to whom God entrusted her life and learning!

Elizabeth has written a post in answer to those who question Addy's academic learning. It would be great for her to know that not everyone is against homeschooling! Please visit Elizabeth and let her know your thoughts on the subject!

In His Love and Blessings

Some Business is Personal!

Jody had his appointment today with the orthopedic surgeon. He is scheduled for surgery, on his back, next Wednesday, May 13. We spent the morning at the doctor's office and then to the hospital for pre-op testing. They did the usual lab, but also did an EKG - which was good!

I'm anxious for the surgery to be done. He's been in pain for so long and it will be good to see him without the pain and pain meds. I know it will be a huge load off his shoulders when he feels better and is able to do more.

As for me - the chiropractor has done great work! My hip is absolutely pain free and as soon as the bruises heal - I'll be great! I asked him last week about exercise and he told me not to do any until my hip is stabilized. I have another appointment Monday and hopefully, I'll be able to start then!

Last week, I visited our youngest daughter to talk about some business we have together. The "discussion" went completely out of control and it saddens me to know how she feels about me.

When Jody and I got back together, last year after an 8-month separation, we decided then that we would not let the opinions of others make a difference in our relationship. That was something that had happened in the past because I was unable to deal with the feelings of inadequacy and inferiority caused by the words and actions directed at me from others outside of mine and Jody's relationship. That is, of course, not the only reason for the separation - but it was a contributing factor.

I am amazed at the judgement of others directed at me because I was the one who left our home! Some people believe that because I left - I was the only one who had done anything wrong in the marriage! I love Jody and decided, a long time ago not to dishonor him by telling others about any of his faults. I have not been verbal about the reasons for the separation because I felt like it was no one else's business! The separation was between Jody and me! No one else lived our lives and knew what brought us to the point of separation.

I still feel like it's no one's business and I don't intend to start discussing personal aspects of our lives with others. Jody and I, together, are working to make our marriage better than ever before. We are both aware of what went wrong before and are determined to correct the weaknesses that we each have within ourselves.

It's very difficult for me to know where I fit in anymore with Jody's children and his family. It's tough! I work myself into such a state of anxiety and nervousness before I am around any of them and am making myself sick worrying about it. I'm letting it go!

I can't make anyone accept me or the fact that Jody and I love each other and BOTH of us decided that we didn't want to throw away 20 years of marriage because we both let God and our marriage become an "afterthought" in our lives. We both put other things before these on our list of priorities, which could never bring good to our lives!

I am so blessed that he agreed to try again - even after there was so much hurt, anger and guilt on both sides! I thank God every day that we are together and growing stronger in our relationship!

I'm sorry for those who can't accept and be happy that we have "re"-committed to our marriage and know that God will bless us for that decision!

In His Love and Blessings

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Daycare and Doctors!

I haven't blogged in a while, but I am still around! I have been staying very, very busy! Elizabeth is still pretty sick and is not functioning normally, yet. She's 14 weeks along now and we're praying that she will begin to feel better soon.

I am still taking care of our little daycare kiddos every day since she's not able to right now and that definitely keeps me busy! I love them and love being with them, but I sure get tired. I know it happens, but I can't imagine being 51 and having young children of my own at this age. My babies are all grown - much easier to care for at their ages! Actually, my mothering days are pretty much over as far as having to instruct and discipline. I'm still mom - but had to get over the "mothering" part in order to love my children in a better way!

Little Miss will be a year old on Monday and she's such a sweet little "toddler"! She plays so great - following all the other kids around and trying to get into everything they're trying to do. She loves to "help" me load and unload the dishwasher - if I could just teach her where the dishes go (not in her mouth), she would be an awesome helper!

Snow White loves to help set the table for mealtime and is really a sweet tempered little girl, just like her sister. They're so loving and sweet - their little smiles, hugs and kisses make my day!

Batman and Spiderman are all boy! They are busy all the time! Since we have three girls and one boy, I never experienced two boys at once in our house. They're also sweet, but like I said - all boy!

Sleeping Beauty is a sweetie! She's very loving and also wants to be right in there with the "older" kids (she's almost 2 and the older kids are all 3) - doing the same thing they're doing!

Little Big Guy is still adjusting, I think. He has older sisters and he likes to be loved on - a lot! I'm willing to oblige and I'm sure as he becomes more "at home" here, he will enjoying being down and playing with the other kiddos more than he does right now!

Since the weather is getting warmer we are able to spend more time outside. I love the days when we can go outside! The kiddos play hard and wear themselves out so that after lunch they are all ready to lay down for a nap. They love to be outside and, amazingly, they play very well - no arguing and fighting!

Jody has been having major problems with his back for a few years now and it's continuing to get worse! He has been seeing a pain management doctor for a while, but has been scheduled to see an orthopedic surgeon next week. He's also going to be scheduled for surgery on both knees as soon as we know what they are going to do about his back.

I have also had problems with my back for years and, like Jody, have degenerative disc disease. I pretty much just live with it, but in the past year I've had a lot of trouble with one of my hips. I was treated for sciatica recently and the steroids helped for a week or so, but then I was back to having the same pain again. My PCP referred me to an orthopedic surgeon last week, but I decided to cancel the appt (not ready for surgery!) and instead got a referral to a chiropractor who is also a member of the church we attend. I had my first appt today and am scheduled for at least four more - Friday and then 3 days next week. I'm excited to see if this will ease the pain without having to go the "surgery" route!

I guess you know you're really old when both - husband and wife - are beginning to "wear out"! In my mind - I'm still 20! My body doesn't seem to agree!

So that's my life right now - Daycare and Doctors!

Our oldest grandson turned 10 this month! We went to his birthday party which turned out to be a great afternoon. Here's a picture of Jody and I with all the "grands"!

In His Love and Blessings

Saturday, April 11, 2009

God is Good - Choctaw Family & Friends Okay

Wanted to let those of you praying that God is good and all is well! Well, at least for my family members and friends in Choctaw - although, there were people who lost their homes!

I was in touch by phone all evening during the fires with my family members and did have several (5 families) relatives who were evacuated due to the close proximity of the fires.

They were all allowed back in their homes before the night was over, although I'm sure they did not sleep well! Even with all the fires and the devastation - none of the family, nor any of our friends were actually "hit" with damage from the fires.

Thank you to those of you who prayed for the families in Choctaw. Thank you to God the Father for keeping my family safe!

In His Love and Blessings

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Please Pray!

I've been glued to the TV all night because the town Jody's and my home is in, the town where my children grew up, the town where I still have many family members and friends - is burning! There are fires everywhere in Choctaw and it is really heartbreaking to think of all the families that have been and still will be affected by the wildfires.
I have called my family members and checked on them - so far they are all okay, although several have been evacuated from their homes and have moved to homes of other family members. Some are packed up and ready to go at a moment's notice.
I lived in Choctaw for 25 years! I moved from there last year in March. It still, in many ways, feels like home! Our kids are all okay for now and we are in prayer for each and every one there.
Please, if you are willing, take a moment and join us in prayer for everyone who has been affected and those who are still in harms way all over Oklahoma.

In His Love and Blessings

Friday, March 27, 2009

What's on Your Heart?- A Lesson from Columbine?

Sent to be by a friend:

Guess our national leaders didn 't expect this, hmm? On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton , Colorado , was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful.

They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert! These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal. There is no doubt that God sent this man as a voice crying in the wilderness. The following is a portion of the transcript:

"Since the dawn of creation there has been both good &evil in the hearts of men and women.. We all contain the seeds of kindness or the seeds of violence. The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scott, and the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers.

"The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his brother Abel out in the field. The villain was no t the club he used.. Neither was it the NCA, the National Club Association. The true killer was Cain, and the reason for the murder could only be found in Cain's heart.

"In the days that followed the Columbine tragedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of the NRA. I am not a hunter. I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I don't believe that they are responsible for my daughter's death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I believed they had anything to do with Rachel's murder I would be their strongest opponent.

I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy -- it was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! Much of the blame lies here in this room. Much of the blame lies behind the pointing fingers of the accusers themselves. I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expresses my feelings best.

Your laws ignore our deepest needs, Your words are empty air. You've stripped away our heritage, You've outlawed simple prayer. Now gunshots fill our classrooms, And precious children die. You seek for answers everywhere, And ask the question "Why?" You regulate restrictive laws, Through legislative creed. And yet you fail to understand, That God is what we need!

" Men and women are three-part beings. We all consist of body, mind, and spirit. When we refuse to acknowledge a third part of our make-up , we create a void that allows evil, prejudice, and hatred to rush in and wreak havoc. Spiritual presences were present within our educational systems for most of our nation's history.

Many of our major colleges began as theological seminaries. This is a historical fact. What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine's tragedy occurs -- politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our personal and private liberties. We do not need more restrictive laws. Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain lies within our own hearts.

"As my son Craig lay under that table in the school library and saw his two friends murdered before his very eyes, he did not hesitate to pray in school. I defy any law or politician to deny him that right! I challenge every young person in America , and around the world, to realize that on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School prayer was brought back to our schools. Do not let the many prayers offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the new millennium with a sacred disregard for legislation that violates your God-given right to communicate with Him. To those of you who would point your finger at the NRA -- I give to you a sincere challenge. Dare to examine your own heart before casting the first stone!

My daughter's death will not be in vain! The young people of this country will not allow that to happen!"

Do what the media did not - - let the nation hear this man's speech.. Please send this out to everyone you can. God Bless

You can also read this on Chuck Campbell Show WPJL 1240-AM Radio Raleigh, NC & RTN-10 TV Host & Producer’s Blog

In His Love and Blessings

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Internet Chat Cafe - Fruit of the Spirit

Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is
love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control.
Against such things there is no law.

After looking at the verse in Galatians, what specific “fruit” (love, joy, peace…) do you find yourself lacking in your daily life? Give an example if you can.

What circumstance in your life shows your weakness with the specific “fruit” you mentioned above.

Probably the “fruit” I lack most in my daily life is self-control! I feel like this characteristic encompasses each of the other “fruits”, as well. I can only speak for myself and know that in order to strengthen my daily walk in the Lord, I must use self-control in the choices I make in all circumstances.

One of the areas of my life in which it is most evident that I lack self-control is in the way I respond to people when I feel threatened, unaccepted or unimportant - by their comments or actions. I often react, with words, quickly – without thinking of the impact my words will have on someone. It’s a problem for me and I am in prayer over it and really working to correct this behavior.

Galatians 5:
16) So I say, live by the Spirit,
and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.
17) For the sinful nature desires
what is contrary to the Spirit,
and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature.
They are in conflict with each other,
so that you do not do what you want.
18) But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law.

In the past I experienced abuse – emotional, verbal and physical. During the worst of the abuse, I had a gun held to my head and knew that I could very well die at the hand of my husband. Those years changed me forever! I believe the experiences of the past caused me to harden my heart and build walls that have been difficult to break down!

I still struggle with feelings of unworthinesss, lack of self-esteem and rejection. I know that only God can heal me and I pray for that healing. I know that He is working in me and I have experienced many positive changes over the past year and look forward to even more healing in the future - through prayer, study and I trust that He will completely free me of these strongholds.

I recently wrote a post on my blog about my defensiveness and had a comment left on my blog that, at first, I took as personal criticism and believed it to be sent from one of a very few people that I know in my life (the author was anonymous). As I read the comment over, several times, I also prayed, asking God to help me to be open to what the commenter had said and to see it in a positive light and I then began to see that it didn’t matter who wrote it or what the intent behind the comment was – it was true.

My constant prayer and my desire is to be filled with God’s love and to express myself – full of the “fruit of the Spirit” - so that others can see Christ living in me!

In His Love and Blessings

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Happenings" around here!

I haven’t blogged in a while – mainly because I’ve either been really busy or . . . really tired! I am, after all, running Elizabeth’s daycare for a little while. She started back to Duncan Brothers about a month ago and then discovered that she is expecting a “wee one” in October, so things are busy around here!

I first want to say that on my last blog post a comment was left by “anonymous” telling me that I am an “offender” rather than a “defender” as I had chosen to see myself. Over the last couple of days I have reread the comment several times and have to say that I agree with the author!

When I first read the comment, I immediately thought I could narrow down the author as being one within a small group of people that I know. As I’ve thought about it, I have decided that it doesn’t matter – nor do I care – who the author is, they are right in their comments. I will take the information and use it in my daily walk by considering the things I say . . . before I say them! I do not want to be an offender – I want others to be able to see Christ in me in everything that I do each moment!

I’m still not perfect. I’m still a work in progress. But, thank you, anonymous for helping me to see my actions in a much more reflective light!

Now back to our happenings around here! We have six children enrolled in the daycare –
Batman, a 3-year old little boy who is so full of energy! He’s never still and very articulate. When he looks at me with those sweet little eyes – I melt!
Spiderman – another 3-year old little boy who when matched against Batman is a force to be reckoned with! He’s a very sensitive little guy, a great helper in everything whether it’s picking up toys or pushing in the chairs after meals. I love to just scoop him up and hold him – especially because he likes to get away from hugs as quickly as possible! He only loves hugs from his Mommy!
Snow White – a 3-year old little girl, sweet and loving and always wants to please. She has some tough transition periods when being dropped off and picked up, but always ends up with smiles and sweet good-byes. My day would not be the same without her!
Little Miss – Snow White’s 10 month old sister. She is definitely a Mommy’s girl, but she’s adjusted well to being here. She loves playtime on the floor – so much more than the other kids love her floor playtime. She’s at the perfect age to try to take everything they have in their hands. They’re all great with her and show patience and love toward her all the time!
Sleeping Beauty – she’ll be 2 in a couple of months and is a sweetheart. She’s always in a good mood and never gives us any trouble! She plays well with the older kids (still learning to play with Little Miss) and gets right in the middle of whatever they’re playing. She, too, is a light in my day!
Little Big Guy – a little boy who just recently turned 1 and started at the daycare just a couple of weeks ago. In that short time, he’s also won my heart. He’s so cute and he has the deepest voice I’ve ever heard in a young man! He loves to drive cars and trucks – with the sounds to go along! We’re still getting to know each other, but so far – so great!

I absolutely love having the kids here each day. I love the innocence and love they show each other and that they show me. Even after they have a “tiff” they’re best friends again before they even turn around! I learn so much from these kids – and I’m thankful to have this opportunity!

Poor Elizabeth! She has really been sick the last few weeks. She was so sick during her pregnancy with Addy and had to go to the hospital about every other week – spending time on the monitor, receiving IV fluids and medication to help with her nausea and vomiting. I’m praying that she is not so drastically ill with this baby and that the nausea will pass soon! I’m so excited about the baby coming! I love being a grandma and wouldn’t trade it for the world!

Jody and I are doing great and I’m so happy! Chance is spending so much more time with us now and I can’t even tell you how much that thrills me! God is working in our lives and I’m seeing it in so many ways! I support Jody and was able to show him that support a few days ago. It was one of the most difficult things I’ve had to do in a very long time; I cried all the way home after the event - from the stress and reactions we received and was physically ill all day yesterday because of the stress. Even with all of that, I’m thankful I could be with him – at his request! I was thankful that he asked me to be with him and very pleased to be able to oblige!

That’s what’s happening around here. What’s happening where you are?

In His Love and Blessings

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I Am A Defender!

One of the areas in my life that still needs some definite work is my defensiveness against people who have hurt someone I love. I'm afraid I am a bit aggressive when it comes to defending those who are most important in my life.

Sometimes in defending my "loves" I end up coming on so strong that I offend or hurt the person who I feel has committed the offense against "mine"! That really is not my intention. I start out just wanting them to understand the hurt they have caused because I feel like if you can talk about problems . . . they can be resolved!

Not always so! It seems there are people who believe they have no fault in hurting others - no matter what the situation. I guess they just think it's the injured person's responsibility to "get over it" - which is not always easy!

I am (slowly) learning that just because I want to defend my family and friends - it's not always practical. Depending on the person who has caused the hurt and that person's continued "hurtful" behavior - there may be no resolution! In that case, I resolve, from this day, to stop defending . . . at least to those same people.

That doesn't mean I won't still be saddened by the hurt inflicted or by the affect it has on those I love, but I will choose not to share those feelings with those people who have decided it doesn't matter to them. My actions to defend those I love having no impact, but angering or hurting the offender - does nothing to help anyone! Big news, right?!

I've never understood why people choose to ignore issues that can cause deep problems in their relationships. I guess it's because of the way my parents taught me to talk things out before they could become an issue. I'm glad they taught me those things because I know it makes a huge difference! I've just had to learn that it doesn't always make a difference to others.

I don't want to hurt others. I try to see them through God's eyes, even though I've not perfected this in my life! I am still a work in progress and hope that I continue to learn for the rest of my life.

Because of trauma that I've lived through in the past I sometimes believe that others will be as hurt as I once was by actions and words against them and that's just not the way I need to look at every situation. Each person deals with hurt in their own way and that's what I have begun to understand more fully.

Thank you, God, for forgiveness and mercy.

Thank you, Father, that my heart has been opened

and accepting of Your truths.

I pray that I will be open to allowing the Holy Spirit to speak

through me in all areas of my life and

to think about every word before it is spoken!

In His Love and Blessings

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

From Grandma to Teacher!!

Today Elizabeth started back to school and I became sole caregiver to our little daycare kids. I absolutely love the kids and have been around them for a long time. They know me, but not as primary caregiver. I have always been "grandma" to them.

Today one of the boys (we have two boys and four girls in daycare), decided he was going to "try" me and find out if I would still be "grandma" or if I would be like his preschool teacher, Miss Liz. Normally, the kids would look to me if they were in trouble or if they got a boo-boo and needed a kiss. They would also come to me for snuggles and hugs which, by the way is one of my favorite times, too!

I'm still there for snuggles and hugs and to kiss the boo-boos, but now I also have to be "teacher". The other kids seemed to be fine with it, but not my one little guy, Z. He decided no matter what I said, no matter what he knew he was supposed to do . . . or was told to do, he would not comply! I'm afraid to say he spent some serious "thinking time" in the time-out chair. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.

The kids are all great - really great! Even my little guy who wanted to test me today! I couldn't ask for a better group of kids to care for and the parents are great, too!

Z's antics today reminded me of how I, at times, test God. Those times that I choose to knowingly make choices that are not always in alignment with His teachings. I'm so thankful that God is merciful and He is full of grace . . . for me, even though I certainly don't deserve it.

As I have "matured", I make better choices (most of the time) and truly want to be the best me that I can be for the Lord. I'm human and I'm not always strong - but I also know that He is my strength - if I allow Him to be!

Every choice I make, every choice I ever made, brings consequences. Poor choices usually result in poor consequences . . . as I well know from my own experience. I am now very focused on making choices that will bring about the best consequences - even if that means leaving behind those people, places and things that cause me distress or weakness.

I believe that God places people in our lives as we need them. The people that come into our lives provide "something" that we need at that particular time but may not be people that will remain with us for our entire life! I truly believe that some people fill a need and once that need has been fulfilled may no longer have a necessary purpose in our lives.

This past year I've learned so much and know that people that bring me down, cause me to doubt myself or who reject or hurt me are not people I should keep around me. I can best serve the Lord when I am strong, convicted and content in my surroundings.

The Lord will perfect that which concerns me"
Psalm 138:8

Father, I pray that You will lead me, in all ways, through this life. Please help me to recognize who and what I should surround myself with so that my heart is open to You! Please help me to be everything that You, Lord, want me to be! I trust You with my life and put my faith and my hope in You!

In His Love and Blessings

Saturday, February 7, 2009

25 Random Things About Me!

25 Random Things About Me

You’ve probably seen this floating around and I have now been tagged by two friends to do my own list. 25 things sure seems like a lot to share about myself – especially since I don’t share a lot about me, but here goes!

1. I love the Lord and put my faith and trust in Him – not in this world!

2. I am number four of six children. I have two sisters and three brothers.

3. I was married to my husband, Jody, on Valentine’s Day, 1989.

4. This is not my first marriage – I was previously married to a drug dealer and an alcoholic and spent most of that time bruised and battered from domestic abuse.

5. I was stalked by my first husband after I left him and had to file a VPO (which, unfortunately, did not keep him away!)

6. I have two (biological) children – Elizabeth, 28 (from my first marriage) and Chance, 19.

From Left: Me, Candace, Chance, Elizabeth, Toni

7. I have a very close relationship with my daughter, Elizabeth. I believe she saved my life by giving me the strength to leave my husband after he hit me when I was four months pregnant. She also says that I saved her life that day, as well!

8. I have a great relationship with my son, too. He is very independent and we clashed a lot during his 18th year – due to that independence. He wears a (tall) Mohawk, has “snake bites” (two lower lip rings) and recently got a tattoo. Once I was able to “let go” of mothering him and just love him, things are awesome!

9. I have a close relationship with my granddaughter, Addyson, 7 years old (Elizabeth’s daughter). Elizabeth has always made her available to me which has provided great quality time for us!

10. I have two stepdaughters – Toni, 29 and Candace, 26.

11. I have four grandchildren from them – Blake, age 9 (Toni’s) and Levi, age 6, Joey, age 5 and Abigail, who will turn 1 on Feb 11 (Candace’s three). I don’t see them as much as I would like to, but love them all!

12. I love my stepdaughters and have been blessed to have them in my life. Our relationships, unfortunately, changed after I left Jody and we were separated for 8 months this past year. I pray that we can come together again as a family!

13. Jody and I decided that neither of us was ready to give up our marriage and came back together, are in counseling with our Family Pastor at church and are both dedicated to making our marriage stronger and better than ever under God’s direction!

14. Both of my parents are deceased – my Dad passed away in 1994 and my Mom passed away in Feb, 2007 in my home.

15. I quit my job in 2006 to become 24 hour caregiver to my Mom after moving her in with us. She suffered from sudden onset dementia and most days did not even know who I was, but it was the most rewarding experience of my life!

16. I was an x-ray technician in the Oklahoma Air National Guard – in my younger years! I went through basic training and tech school and actually made it through all of it!

17. I graduated from high school in a class of 22 students in 1976.
My 20 year High School Reunion (I am front row, third from left)

18. Between the ages of 12 and 18, I had at least one surgery per year – eight to remove tumors and two other surgeries to remove other “stuff”.

19. I jumped on the Phen-Fen craze in 1995 and, as a result, damaged my heart and developed asthma. I will be on medication for the rest of my life.

20. I also battle depression – but am winning that battle thanks to God’s healing power and a great psychiatrist and counselor who are both Christians!

21. I do not eat sugar – not in the last 5 ½ years.

22. I will be taking over Elizabeth’s daycare as of next Tuesday. I became a licensed daycare provider two weeks ago. Elizabeth is returning to Duncan Brothers Barber College to finish her hours and get her license.

23. Jody and I are living with Elizabeth and her husband, Michael in their converted garage and will be here until Elizabeth finishes school. We have rented out our house in Choctaw to Candace and her family.

24. I am a country girl at heart and, once Elizabeth finishes school, Jody and I will be looking for a great country place to make our home! We want lots of room to garden, keep neighbors at a distance and just enjoy the quiet life!

25. I am a homebody, not very adventurous, not well traveled – just an ordinary person living an ordinary life (now!). I don’t live to please other people – am my own person living in a way that, I pray, is glorifying to God! I am still learning each and every day and am thankful to have learned so much about myself over the past year!

In His Love and Blessings

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kevin . . . at WalMart?

Today started off just like any normal day! I got up around 4:30 am, watched the news, had my coffee and started my day . . . just like every other day!

This afternoon I had to make a run to WalMart and decided that rather than going to one of the two stores we have here in Norman, I would take a little drive and go to the WalMart in Moore – Norman’s next door neighbor. I haven’t done this at all since living here – always go to the store here in Norman.

When I got to the store I was doing my shopping and noticed that people were lined up all the way down the middle of the store! You’ll never guess why they were lined up! Okay, I’ll tell you. Kevin Costner was in the middle of the store . . . signing autographs and taking pictures!

Now, this had to be the time that I left my phone at home – so I couldn’t even take a picture! I couldn’t believe it! I stood not six feet away from him! It was pretty exciting (I don’t get out of the house much!), but reallyit was Kevin Costner!

Sunday evening we had watched the movie Swing Vote (which was pretty good, by the way). It really made my day to see him in person today! I was really close again, as he left – through the back door – surrounded by several police officers, WalMart personnel and quite a few others that I guessed were his crew.

Anyway, that was my excitement for the day. When I first got home and told Elizabeth and Michael, they didn’t believe me – who can blame them? Kevin Costner in Moore, Oklahoma?!

Yeah, he was here and I saw him!

You can read about it here at

Kevin Costner will perform in Oklahoma City's Bricktown in February
By Gene Triplett - Entertainment Editor
Published: December 11, 2008Buzz up!

The star of "Field of Dreams," "The Upside of Anger" and Oscar-winning director of "Dances with Wolves" is bringing his country music side project to Bricktown's Wormy Dog Saloon at 8:30 p.m. Feb. 3.

In His Love and Blessings

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"Pray for Me, Pray for Others"

Pray for MeWe participate in "Pray for Me... Pray for Others" on the Riggs Family Blog. Check out their blog to add your prayer request.

Once again, I have been touched by a blogging friend – whose family is also in my church – and wanted to share with you what this amazing family has done!

The Riggs family, . . . Where Laughter Lives”, whose little girl has leukemia and is now going through the most life-threatening phase of her cancer treatment, has started a Wednesday edition post titled “Pray for Me, Pray for Others” on their blog. This family is going through so much, and yet their focus is God and sharing their faith and love for Him with others. As others are praying for them, they also want to pray for you. The new Wednesday edition will allow us, as a community, to share our prayer needs and those of others on their blog and allow us to pray for each other. Please visit here for all the details.

I have been praying for little Abby and for the family for some time and have requested prayers, from readers before, but I am especially asking now. Abby has been quite ill these past few days and today began throwing up blood. She needs God’s healing touch and comforting hand so much, as does her family.

Brent and Michelle, Abby’s parents have posted this new edition on their blog and the value of “Pray for Me, Pray for Others” is so great that I want to share with everyone who may visit my site. Please pray for the Riggs family and allow others to pray for any needs you have in your life. I think this will be a great forum for all of us!

In own words:
From Michelle:
Even before Abby became sick, prayer was one of the most important things in my life. I took the Bible's admonition to pray without ceasing literally and ran with it. While I can be quiet in social settings, it is natural to me to keep a running dialog with God, as I go through my day. Life goes so much better when I am focused on serving God and on praying for OTHERS.

I love that people are praying for Abby. You are such a blessing to Abby and our family. But, because what we are going through with Abby is so hard, SO BIG, most people aren't sharing requests with us as much they used to. I really miss praying for things that are on the hearts of others.

I love to pray for both "big" and "small" things. Seeing God bless us by taking care of those little details is a beautiful reminder to me of how much He loves us and how He is watching over us.

One example of this in my life was yesterday when I was instructed by Abby's doctor to bring her in for a blood transfusion, during an ice storm. Abby needed to get to the hospital, but Brent was home with the other children and I was with Abby, 20 miles away, at a doctor's office. With the sun going down, the roads were refreezing. Oklahomans get few opportunities to drive on ice, so I was out of practice and everyone else driving was out of practice too.

Many of you prayed that God would keep us safe while we were driving and He did. Praise God. But what you didn't know was how He provided for us. One of my best friends, Toni, called to check on us, and when she heard what was going on, she offered to drive us to the hospital, stay with us during the transfusion (usually 6-8 hours) and drive us home. Toni moved to Oklahoma a couple of years ago, from Alaska. So we not we not only got to spend some time with one of our favorite people, we were driven by someone who cut her teeth driving on snow and ice.

While Abby was getting the transfusion, Toni read stories to Abby, colored with her and made her feel like a princess. Once Abby was asleep, Toni and I were able to talk. A rare treat when you have a house full of little people. An night that we could have just endured, turned into a blessing. Thank you Toni. You are the best. Don't you love how God takes care of those little details, too?

Would you let us pray for you? I would love to hear what is on your heart and to pray for each of you.

My incredibly talented husband is setting things up so that it will be easy to read everyone's requests, in list form, but so you can also link your blog to ours, so that you can leave more details for us to read and hopefully some pictures too.

Thank you again for praying for our family. I hope you will allow us to pray for you, too.

From Brent:
One goal we have for our blog, is that it becomes a real community of people. One of the trademarks of a community is that people know each other, help each other and pray for each other.

On Wednesdays, we are going to do Pray for Me... Pray for Others to help build the sense of community for our readers.

Because we are blessed with a large community of readers, we know you most likely can't pray for every single need or person on this list, especially as it grows. But by looking over this list on Wednesdays... all of us can pray as God leads us and we can know that each needs is probably being prayed for by a lot of people. This particular feature is near to the heart of my beautiful Bride, so you can know she will be praying for you.

Pray for Me... Pray for Others is pretty simple: list a short prayer request for YOU, and a link for more detail if needed. Then submit a prayer request for someone else, or some other situation that you know about. Include a link for them if available. Be specific.

In His Love and Blessings