Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Daycare and Doctors!

I haven't blogged in a while, but I am still around! I have been staying very, very busy! Elizabeth is still pretty sick and is not functioning normally, yet. She's 14 weeks along now and we're praying that she will begin to feel better soon.

I am still taking care of our little daycare kiddos every day since she's not able to right now and that definitely keeps me busy! I love them and love being with them, but I sure get tired. I know it happens, but I can't imagine being 51 and having young children of my own at this age. My babies are all grown - much easier to care for at their ages! Actually, my mothering days are pretty much over as far as having to instruct and discipline. I'm still mom - but had to get over the "mothering" part in order to love my children in a better way!

Little Miss will be a year old on Monday and she's such a sweet little "toddler"! She plays so great - following all the other kids around and trying to get into everything they're trying to do. She loves to "help" me load and unload the dishwasher - if I could just teach her where the dishes go (not in her mouth), she would be an awesome helper!

Snow White loves to help set the table for mealtime and is really a sweet tempered little girl, just like her sister. They're so loving and sweet - their little smiles, hugs and kisses make my day!

Batman and Spiderman are all boy! They are busy all the time! Since we have three girls and one boy, I never experienced two boys at once in our house. They're also sweet, but like I said - all boy!

Sleeping Beauty is a sweetie! She's very loving and also wants to be right in there with the "older" kids (she's almost 2 and the older kids are all 3) - doing the same thing they're doing!

Little Big Guy is still adjusting, I think. He has older sisters and he likes to be loved on - a lot! I'm willing to oblige and I'm sure as he becomes more "at home" here, he will enjoying being down and playing with the other kiddos more than he does right now!

Since the weather is getting warmer we are able to spend more time outside. I love the days when we can go outside! The kiddos play hard and wear themselves out so that after lunch they are all ready to lay down for a nap. They love to be outside and, amazingly, they play very well - no arguing and fighting!

Jody has been having major problems with his back for a few years now and it's continuing to get worse! He has been seeing a pain management doctor for a while, but has been scheduled to see an orthopedic surgeon next week. He's also going to be scheduled for surgery on both knees as soon as we know what they are going to do about his back.

I have also had problems with my back for years and, like Jody, have degenerative disc disease. I pretty much just live with it, but in the past year I've had a lot of trouble with one of my hips. I was treated for sciatica recently and the steroids helped for a week or so, but then I was back to having the same pain again. My PCP referred me to an orthopedic surgeon last week, but I decided to cancel the appt (not ready for surgery!) and instead got a referral to a chiropractor who is also a member of the church we attend. I had my first appt today and am scheduled for at least four more - Friday and then 3 days next week. I'm excited to see if this will ease the pain without having to go the "surgery" route!

I guess you know you're really old when both - husband and wife - are beginning to "wear out"! In my mind - I'm still 20! My body doesn't seem to agree!

So that's my life right now - Daycare and Doctors!

Our oldest grandson turned 10 this month! We went to his birthday party which turned out to be a great afternoon. Here's a picture of Jody and I with all the "grands"!

In His Love and Blessings

Saturday, April 11, 2009

God is Good - Choctaw Family & Friends Okay

Wanted to let those of you praying that God is good and all is well! Well, at least for my family members and friends in Choctaw - although, there were people who lost their homes!

I was in touch by phone all evening during the fires with my family members and did have several (5 families) relatives who were evacuated due to the close proximity of the fires.

They were all allowed back in their homes before the night was over, although I'm sure they did not sleep well! Even with all the fires and the devastation - none of the family, nor any of our friends were actually "hit" with damage from the fires.

Thank you to those of you who prayed for the families in Choctaw. Thank you to God the Father for keeping my family safe!

In His Love and Blessings

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Please Pray!

I've been glued to the TV all night because the town Jody's and my home is in, the town where my children grew up, the town where I still have many family members and friends - is burning! There are fires everywhere in Choctaw and it is really heartbreaking to think of all the families that have been and still will be affected by the wildfires.
I have called my family members and checked on them - so far they are all okay, although several have been evacuated from their homes and have moved to homes of other family members. Some are packed up and ready to go at a moment's notice.
I lived in Choctaw for 25 years! I moved from there last year in March. It still, in many ways, feels like home! Our kids are all okay for now and we are in prayer for each and every one there.
Please, if you are willing, take a moment and join us in prayer for everyone who has been affected and those who are still in harms way all over Oklahoma.

In His Love and Blessings