Saturday, July 10, 2010

"Spa Day"

Today Michael  and Elizabeth (and of course, Ava) had some shopping to do and Addy decided she wanted to stay home with me.  We decided it would be a perfect day for the two of us to share a "Spa Day"!

We gave each other shoulder massages, manicures, pedicures and fixed each other's hair and did each other's make-up!  As you can see from the picture, we had a great time and don't we look great!

I'm so thankful that I am able to spend time with Elizabeth's girls.  Grandkids are a special gift from God and I cherish each moment I have with them. 

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Own Parking Space

This past two years has brought many changes in my life.  Some good, some not good!  I'm so thankful to have a relationship with God.

This past year God has blessed me in so many ways!  I am finding who I am and finding that I am a capable, strong woman.  I actually like myself so much more than I did in the past.  I feel that I am becoming my true self once again and it's a place I feel most comfortable!

In October last year I started a new job - with a roofing company!  I started part-time, just a couple of days a week and am now full-time wearing many hats!  I never knew that I would love the roofing industry as much as I do, nor did I know there was so much involved!

I am an executive assistant to the Safety and HR manager.  He's a great boss and has also become a good friend.  I feel very "at home" where I am in my job!  The president of the company is great too . . . and, oh yeah he's my brother!  I feel honored to work with him everyday and I'm learning so much!

And . . . I have my own parking space!

I've never had my own personal parking space before!  What do you think?

A couple of weeks ago, my brother sent me to Florida for some training.  I was in Delray Beach for a full week and it was beautiful!  My hotel was two blocks from the beach and 7 blocks from school.  I walked everywhere I went in town and loved every minute of it - although the first day I walked to class, I carried my backpack with my laptop inside.  By the time I made it to class, I was pretty tired of carrying it.  I weighed it and it weighed 22 LBS!  I left my laptop at the hotel every day after that - much more enjoyable walk!

Here's the view from my hotel room!

I also took pictures of the drawbridge (which I walked over everytime I went to class).  We don't really have drawbridges in Oklahoma - at least that I've ever seen and I knew my granddaughter would like to see it.  It opened every day about 7:45am, as I walked TO class and then again about 4:45pm as I walked back to the hotel after class.

The training was great!  I learned how to read blueprints, a lot of roofing terminology, how to draw plans to scale and a LOT about the different types of roofs.  Where I work we do only commercial roofs - no residential, so it's really interesting to me.

God has truly blessed me and I am thankful!

In His Love and Blessings annb

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I may be back!

Never can be sure, but I may be back.  I haven't posted in a very long time, but it's really because I just haven't had much to say.  Things are going well - really well for me and I feel blessed that God has carried me through the past two years.

I am working - since October last year.  I have an amazing job and enjoy getting up every morning to go to work!  I started out part time - two days a week.  Then, I went to four days a week and have been full time for several months now.

I am an assistant to the Director of Safety and HR and have learned so much about the industry for which I now belong to with this company.  My boss is great and has become a good friend.  It feels like it's been a very long time since I felt "comfortable".

My daughter and her husband, my daughter's girls and my son have been so great to me all this time and I'm just not sure what I would have done without them.  Thankfully, that was never a worry!

I'm thankful that I've been able to spend such close, quality time with them but am beginning to feel that I'm ready to start planning - within this next year - to make my own home.  I am now at a place financially and emotionally that I know I can handle living alone.

God is good and I am blessed!

In His Love and Blessings