Monday, October 20, 2008

Squalane Products

If you’re a woman , as I am. . . over 40, as I am . . . and care about your health as you age, as I do – Then you will want to visit Dr. Lark, as I did! Dr. Lark's mission is to provide women with unique, safe and effective complementary therapies to greatly enhance their health and well-being.

There are an array of products including Squalane Products in the following categories: Healthy Food & Drinks, Nutritional Supplements, Beauty & Skin Health and recommendations based on individual health concerns. There is also a page of recipes – good, healthy recipes! I’m going to try a few of them myself.

Ordering any of the Squalane products is easy – order online or through the toll free phone number provided. You can also get to know Dr. Lark from her biography posted on her site! You will see that she has a great deal of experience and a lot to offer!

You can sign up now for Dr. Lark's free bi-weekly Health Updates. This free email service brings you cutting-edge information and Dr. Lark's well-researched advice about the latest health breakthroughs for your most pressing health concerns.

It's a Giveaway!

I was "making my Bloggyville rounds" this morning and among my regular blog reads is a site called Princess Hadley. Hadley is a very special little girl going through something that I can't even imagine.
This is Hadley's diagnosis -
Frontal Lobe Brain Damage
Diffuse Bilateral Thalamic Glioma (Brain Tumor).
Terminal Diagnosis: Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM)-a grade 4 highly malignant tumor
Treatment has been stopped and now the Lord will heal her completely and she will be with Him! She and her family are on my prayer list!

I also regularly visit her family site, The Fox Family Five and found this message posted by her mom:
"Hadley and I love us some funky cuteness. One of my cousin's fave designers is having a giveaway that I would love to win. =) a reply to enter yourself...and let her know that I sent you. =)"

I love giveaways (who doesn't?), so of course I followed the link to calico., and found this note: "she's a maniac. it's a giveaway". I left a comment and I am now entered in the give-away.

Sounds easy, right? Just follow the link to calico., and you can enter that easily, too!

In His Love and Blessings

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Joy in Service

Elizabeth and I were talking the other day about the "season" I am in right now. We've come to the conclusion that perhaps this season is to teach me humility. Maybe not humility as you would normally think of the word, but humility in being able to ask others for help when I need it.

I have always struggled when it comes to asking for help . . . even if I am truly in need of it. It's just something I have never felt comfortable in doing. Maybe this comes from feelings of unworthiness on my part. This "season", if nothing else, has taught me that God did not make me to be completely independent. Even in the beginning, He saw that Adam needed a suitable helpmate and created Eve - crafted from Adam's body!

Genesis 2

19) Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.

20) So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam no suitable helper was found.

21) So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.

22) Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

We all know that God hears our prayers and bears our burdens, but so are we to share one another's burdens. He never said we have to carry our burdens and go through our trials and storms alone. Why then is it so hard for some of us to share our troubles with others? Why is it so hard to tell someone what we are going through and that we need help?

Praise be to the Lord,

to God our Savior,

who daily bears our burdens.

Psalm 68:19

Carry each other's burdens,

and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Galatians 6:2

While my children were growing up, I always tried to help them understand what it meant to "serve". To serve God and others - without expecting anything in return! I'm sure they got tired of hearing me say, "We don't do things for others because we want something back!". That is a life of service! I also told them that when you don't allow others to help, you take from them the joy of "serving". I'm sure we all have felt that great feeling you get when you're able to help someone else - to share some of the your own blessings with someone who has less or is in need!

I'm learning to practice what I preach . . . though I still have a way to go! I have been "not well" - (don't want to call it sick) with allergies, sore throat, cough and laryngitis for almost four weeks now! My voice has not been normal for almost three weeks and gone completely for two of those weeks!

Since I don't have a job I had decided that I would not go to the doctor, but would treat myself at home. Well, so far that hasn't worked so Elizabeth insisted that I go to the doctor and she and Michael would give me the money for my co-pay and prescriptions. Of course, I told her no and she gently reminded me that if I did not accept this help, I would be taking away the joy they would have in helping me. HELLO!!! - where did she get that?! She learned this from childhood with my help and I wasn't even practicing it!

I have so much to be thankful for - God's mercy and grace, the desire Michael and Elizabeth share to serve God! I thank God that He is in control - because without Him, I would be a complete mess!

I trust God and know that this "season" is for His purpose and I will come through it stronger in faith and understanding - and more humble -than I came into it!

In His Love and Blessings

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today's Wednesday, October 15, 2008. Today I have been unemployed for three months and one day! This is one of the most difficult seasons of my life and I'm not sure when it will change - for the better.

I have my daughter, Elizabeth and her husband Michael - or I'm not sure where I would be at this point. My husband and I separated early this year with me leaving our home. August 31, I moved out of the apartment where I had been living because there was no money for rent. Two weeks later, I sold most of my material blessings - for money to pay bills. I've emptied my savings.

I am, at times, finding it difficult to feel God around me. I know that He hasn't moved - but obviously I have! I try to keep Him in my thoughts - close by and accessible. I pray - but sometimes it feels empty! I know - in my heart - that God is in control and that "Jesus Christ is the same today, yesterday and forever" Hebrew 13:8. I know that I can draw comfort from God - "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort," 2 Corinthians 1:3.

So why can't my head accept and trust that He is in control . . . that Jesus Christ is always the same, never changing. . . and that I can be comforted by God? Why in the midst of this season can't I just lay it all down before God and accept that He will take care of me? Why can't I stop worrying about the "what ifs"?

I know that to get through all of this, I must lay it down . . . at the feet of Jesus . . . completely turn it over to God! I know that I can't pick it up once I lay it down. I can not waiver - that is not trust!

Maybe that's the scary part for me. I've always felt like I had to be the "strong one". The one to pick up the pieces after the mess is over. The one who had to take care of everyone . . . even though I neglected myself. The one who had to "make it all better"!

I know that I'm not that "one"! God is my healer, my protector, my guide and "[Thy word is] a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105

I will continue to pray . . . especially for needs during this season. I will continue to study and to listen for God's voice - comforting and guiding me through these storms in my life. I will trust that He is the same and will never leave me!

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

In His Love and Blessings

Monday, October 13, 2008

Grains of Gratitude Oct 12, 2008

Hosted by mum2Brady

I'm a little late posting my "Sunday" Grains of Gratitude, but "better late than never!", right?

This past week has been full of ups and downs! Thankfully the "ups" win out every time!

This week I received notice that I was not selected on two of the positions for which I interviewed recently. I had really been excited about one of them especially and thought I had a good chance at getting the job. The woman who interviewed me said that they had selected someone with experience in the same field, so I do understand - I had never worked in that type of setting before. The same reason was given for the other position being filled by someone else - I also had not worked in that field before either.

At first, the news really got me! It's so easy to fall into the trap of playing those old "tapes" in my mind about not being good enough, but it didn't last long. I went to my knees before God and cried out for his help. I'm so thankful to have a relationship in Jesus and know that is where my strength comes from to get through the storms. Once I released the negative thoughts and laid it all at the cross before God, I was able to "get back on the horse" and start sending out more resumes. I am in constant prayer and know that God will open the door for a job in which I can best serve.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
says the LORD,
thoughts of peace and not of evil,
to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday Elizabeth and I took Addy and all the daycare kids to the pumpkin patch so that each of them could find their own "special" pumpkin to take home with them. When we got there a photographer from The Daily Oklahoman was there and asked if he could take pictures of the kids. He took several pictures and posted two of them in the paper on Saturday. The kids each found their pumpkin and then we were able to get a group shot before we left(with almost all faces looking forward).

Wednesday night, at AWANAS, Addy earned a badge for her vest by reciting seven different memory verses! She was so proud (as were we all!) - so now I'll be sewing on the new patch this week. She loves reading and memorizing and constantly tries to get her mommy to let her do more and more reading. Elizabeth spaces out the lessons so that Addy has enough time to really soak up each one and doesn't let her go past each day's lesson. Addy's like a little sponge and just absorbs everything around her! She loves learning and it's fun to watch her grow in knowledge every day!

Friday night Michael and Liz had some international friends fly in and they will be here until Tuesday morning. They have been such great guests and it's been fun getting to know them. They arrived bearing gifts - even for me! I was so surprised and so grateful. They gave me a bottle of Chanel #5 and I absolutely love it! They also brought me a couple of blouses that are beautiful! They, of course, brought many gifts for Elizabeth, Michael and Addy.

Friday was one of the guest's birthdays, so Elizabeth planned a surprise birthday party for her to be held Saturday evening. She took them all to Arbuckle Wilderness - a park you drive thru with animals roaming throughout. They come up to your car and you can feed them - if you buy the feed, of course. They did and they said it was a lot of fun!

While they were gone, Michael wrapped up gifts and picked up some balloons for decoration and I baked a cake for the birthday lady! She was so surprised! It is such a blessing to be able to be a part of the happiness of another person!

Sunday, we all went to church together, went out for lunch and then went to the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. Since the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, I have never been to the site once the memorial was finished. It really is awesome! There's a feeling you have as you walk through and see all the chairs - one for each of the 169 people who were killed in the bombing. I think the hardest part is seeing all the small chairs representing the children who were killed. It brings back the memories of that horrible day - as if were yesterday! There was also a statue that represents Jesus weeping! His hand is over His face with bowed head and the inscription reads "And Jesus wept". I know that must be true. So many wept that day and for many days after!

Once we finished at the memorial we then went to Bricktown and rode the water taxi on the canal. We had a great captain/tour guide and the ride was a lot of fun! He picked on some Texans who were on the taxi and they took it very well. There are some bronze statues around the canal and the story behind their creation was interesting. The artist is a professor at Oklahoma University and in the sculpture of the Oklahoma LandRun (still under construction), he put his own face on the wagon driver closest to the canal! When the sculpture is finished there will be 46 different figures - representing Oklahoma's place as the 46th state! I learned many things that I had not known before. There is great art surrounding the canal - sculptures, mosaics and murals. I'm grateful for the beauty that surrounds me.

I am so thankful for the blessings in my life! I am especially thankful for the gift of life given for each of us when Jesus Christ died on the cross! There's nothing greater than knowing God and being able to serve Him!

What are YOU grateful for today???? For more Grains, visit Brady's Bunch!

In His Love and Blessings

Saturday, October 11, 2008


One of the Blogs I regularly follow is Where Laughter Lives and when I visited tonight Michelle had posted about one of her beautiful children - Abby, who is fighting Leukemia and the effects of the treatment for the cancer! I first heard of this family through a women's Bible study I was in through the church I have attended since moving here this year - Wildwood Community Church. I have been praying for Abby and her family since the diagnosis and believe that God is continuously carrying this family through this difficult time. I have come to know that they are a God-loving family and that they put God first in all that they do. So please read the post and I know, if it touches you the way it did me, you will want to help Abby!

I have copied Michelle's post, which includes a post copied from the organizer of OPERATION PRINCESS HAIR. If you want to help Abby follow the links from!


First, I want to thank everyone who took the time to help me come up with a costume for Abby to wear on Halloween. You are a very creative group and I loved every idea. Thank you. I plan on showing them to Abby tonight an letting the princess pick. I can't wait.

What I didn't write about yesterday, was that I was wondering what I was going to do about her hair. For the last few weeks it has been coming out fast. Abby used to love choosing hair styles and picking out bows and barrettes. Abby is sad that she is loosing her hair, and has been telling me that she wants to get "wig" hair. When I looked into applying for one, a well known charity said they didn't think that she would be approved, because of her age. I understand there is limits to how many children they can help, but I was sad for Abby.

Last night some wonderful friends, Angel and Amy Block, decided to raise money help Abby get a beautiful wig. Many, many wonderful woman have come along side them, joining together to help Abby. Thank you all so much. The list of people helping can be seen at the bottom on Angel's post at It has been changing, so I am afraid to list the names here, because I don't want to leave anyone off. We want thank everyone who is helping Abby. I bawled when they told me that they were going to help Abby. Thank you all for helping our precious daughter.

I debated about posting pictures of Abby, but since they are everywhere else, I decided to go ahead and post them here too. We gave the pictures to them, with permission to post them. Brent feels that this is Abby's story. When she looks back at the blog when she is older, we want her to understand how much she has overcome and how brave she was.

Below is a post about Abby, that I copied from Angel's blog. Amy and Angel, thanks again for all that you are doing for Abby.

Friday, October 10, 2008


It's hard for me to even start this post. Already I feel a big lump forming in my throat. Someone that many of us care about is walking through a deep valley. That someone is sweet Abby....

I have serious doubts that I will get through writing this without crying..... Ok now it's too late... I am already there...with tears flowing. This is Abby. You will find her precious family at this blog address.

Abby is so many wonderful things. She is part of an amazing family. There are 7 wonderful kiddos in her family. 3 of those sweeties- including Abby came by way of adoption. Abby is a bouncing, happy, funny princess of a 3 year old....

Now she is also a dear little warrior fighting for her life. She was diagnosed with Leukemia and life suddenly took a radical turn for this amazing family. Her concerns of which princess dress she should wear have turned to whether she will get poked or be able to keep her food down today.
This is sweet Abby right now....

These are the battle scars she has right now in her fight against cancer...

Just one of the MANY things she has been forced to give up is her GORGEOUS princess hair and it makes her very sad.... What is it like to be the mommy that has to tell your 3 year old that she has to take medicine that will give her horrible sores, make her throw up constantly, and cause her to lose her hair? What is that like? What is it like to watch tears slide down your sweet baby's cheeks even in her sleep cause that's how much it hurts.
THIS is not OK with me. If I could I would make this go away. If I could I would change this- I wish there was a way. I know there are so many of us who wish that. We CAN'T MAKE IT GO AWAY! We just can't.

What we can do is give Abby back her princess hair. It's expensive and not something this family needs to worry about during this stressful financial time of paying for medicine and gas and hospital bills. We can not make this all go away but we can give Abby back her hair and make her smile.


This is your mission, should you choose to accept it...

1. I want us to buy sweet Abby one of these-

It's called a pony sport. It costs $228. It's made with real human hair. It's very comfortable and can be worn with any baseball type cap that Abby prefers.

After visiting with her mommy we feel this would be very comfortable and fun for everyday use at home and the hospital.

2. We will flood Abby and the other kiddos in the family with care packages that let her and her family know they are loved. If you feel you would like to send Abby or her family a present please e-mail me at

We can all send Abby fun presents AND ALL SEND an ADORABLE BASEBALL CAP to wear with her new hair. Then everytime she is having a hard day her momma can bust out a new care package to give her something to smile about.

3. We are also going to buy Abby a custom made wig! Check it out here....

I am so excited about this! It is going to be custom made to look a lot like her hair did before she needed to start chemo. So when Abby wants to dress up nice and look like the Abby she remembers she will have this. This wig will cost about $450. It is made of real hair and created just for her little head.

4. If there are donations exceeding the needed amount for the princess hair we will invite the family to use this money to help with whatever extra expenses they are facing during this difficult time.

It's hard for me to fathom what this family is facing.
I want to do whatever I can to support them.
They are full of faith and strong. Cancer FEARS this little fighter! Let's do whatever we can to love and walk with this family during this time. I can't begin to imagine what they are facing but I PRAY that people would be there for me if we ever did walk this path.



Thank you from the BOTTOM of my little ol' Texas heart for taking care of a little girl named Abby. What we do matters. What we do makes life better or worse for those around us EVERY SINGLE DAY. Let's take time to stop and care.
Hugs, Angel

PS If you would like to spread the word on your blog PLEASE do it!! Feel free to take this whole post or part of it. Then please link your blog to mine so everyone can see how many people are loving and praying for Abby.
Posted by Angel

In His Love and Blessings

Saturday 9 Oct 11, 2008

Saturday 9: Return to Sender

1. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it? I can't even remember the last time I wrote a letter and mailed it - I'm an email girl! I have mailed packages to my grandchildren with little notes, but it's always a package.

2. Can you change the oil on a car? When we were old enough to drive, my Dad taught all of us - even the girls - to change a tire, check all the fluid levels and tire pressure, how to "bleed" brakes (which I don't even think is done anymore) and how to change the oil. I have never had to do it myself, but could if I had to!

3. Name three things you have on you at all times. I always carry my purse which holds a lot of stuff including keys, checkbook, cellphone.

4. What’s your life motto? Each Day is a Gift from God - Use it for Good!

5. What’s a word that you say a lot? "Interesting" It's great when there's nothing more to say!

6. What were you doing at midnight last night? We had some company arrive at the airport last night at 11:30, so at midnight I was on the computer just waiting for them to get back from the airport.

7. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? Wow! I have some serious bags under my eyes! I've been sick for a couple of weeks and when I'm sick or when I'm tired, the bags under my eyes get so dark that I look like I have two black eyes!

8. Who is your worst enemy? My worst enemy is satan! He constantly tries to pull me from God in so many ways - trying to make me believe that God is not with me in all things!

9. What does your watch look like? I love watches and have about 15 - silver, gold, tri-color, black, dressy, casual . . . my favorite would have to be the one I received on Mother's Day this year from Elizabeth, Michael and Addy. It's a beautiful bracelet watch with very small silk red roses all over it!

Visit Sam for more Saturday 9 fun!

In His Love and Blessings

Friday, October 10, 2008

Favorite Foto Friday Oct 10, 2008

Favorite Foto Friday - OCTOBERFEST!

One of my favorite memories of October was a few years ago when I decorated the front porch as shown in the picture. We called the "thing" on the bench Scary Guy and he sat there for about a week when one day I decided to scare my son who was 16 at the time. One day when it was time for him to get home, I put on the Scary Man suit and took my place on the bench. Two of my daughters and their children decided to watch so they pretended to be playing outside when he got home! As he walked by me on the porch, directly in front of me - I jumped up and yelled something (can't remember what it was) and scared him SOOOOO BAAAD! It scared him so bad that he reacted immediately by kicking me . . . hard - right in the shin! I couldn't decide whether to laugh because of his reaction or to cry because of the pain in my leg! Laughing won out at the time, but I wore my "badge" - a big bruise on my shin that lasted for several weeks! We all still remember that day and we still laugh about it!

You can see more FFF photos here.

In His Love and Blessings

Friday 5

1. “My hands are tied” is an English-language cliche that means “I’d like to do something about this unfortunate situation, but I don’t have the ability or authority.” In what current situation do you feel your hands are tied?My 18-year old son is making some choices that are not in his best interest and I feel like "my hands are tied" in this situation. I pray for him daily and know that God is hope and love and He can change the situation.

2. Railroad ties are the evenly-spaced slats that lie perpendicular to train tracks and whose function is to hold the tracks in place and to distribute the weight of the train. Who are the railroad ties in your life?The strongest railroad tie in my life is God and His promises. The other ties are my family and friends - Elizabeth and Michael for the amazing help they have given me since being off work; Dr. S - who provides me support and teaches me ways to cope in difficult situations; J - who I greatly admire and she also offers great support and life skills; Gina, my friend who is able to give me emotional support.

3. What are your feelings about Thai food? I've never tried Thai food.

4. Whose thighs do you admire?There is actually one of the daycare moms (grandma raising granddaughter) who has the most amazing thighs I've ever seen! She used to compete in water skiing and her legs are so muscular. She now rides a bike or walks many places she goes.

5. A red tide is a proliferation (in ideal circumstances) of oceanic algae that often seem to discolor seawater and threaten other sealife. If the ocean is your life and the algae the harmful attitudes, thoughts, or moods that crowd out the good stuff, under what conditions in your life is red tide most likely to become a problem?I believe that I have separated myself from the "Red Tide" that was crowding out much of the "good" emotional stuff in my life. I have the leftovers - the pain from those years still creeps up and I have to be aware of where it's coming from and work through it!

Join in! Visit Friday 5!

In His Love and Blessings

Amadeus Home Music School

I’ve thought often about taking piano lessons and actually took guitar lessons for a short time at a location other than my home. It would have been very convenient to be able to have the lessons in my home and I probably would have continued them much longer.

Schedules are so busy these days with school, work, kids activities that it’s sometimes hard to find time to fit in another activity – like music lessons. The convenience of having lessons scheduled in your home . . . at your convenience would make those music lessons much more accessible for a busy lifestyle!

Check out Amadeus Home Music School for quality, private lessons . . . in your home . . . at your convenience.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"In Other Words" Oct 7, 2008 other words...

A journal writing prompt or meme.

Get your creativity flowing...

what does this quote inspire you to write?

Quote for Oct 7

There are two ways to slide easily through life;

to believe everything or to doubt everything.

Both ways save us from thinking.

-- Alfred Korzybski

I, somewhat, agree with Mr. Korzybski on this one. There are two ways to slide through life - but in my opinion, I don't think either way is so easy!

Going through life believing everything opens one up to a lot of disappointment and hurt, which in turn could very well cause one to doubt everything! "Both ways save us from thinking". I think both ways require thinking on many levels.

From my own personal experience, when I was young I trusted people and believed the things I was told, but as I experienced life I'm afraid I began to doubt - not everything - but many things!

I think it would be very easy to say that you trust everything but I honestly don't know anyone who trusts all people in everything they say. As you go through life and experience disappointment in people and are hurt by people you least expected to cause you pain, it's very easy to build up walls of protection.

The only exception for me is and His teachings from the Holy Bible. My greatest goal in this life is to put my complete trust and faith in the Lord in everything!

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
To trust that He will carry me through even the darkest storms and, seemingly impossible, trials. I know that the only way to conquer fear and completely trust is to put my faith in God and that's what I strive for each day.

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
In so doing, it also helps me to trust people more. We are to have a spirit of discernment, but that doesn't mean, even after being hurt, we can't learn to trust!
Titus 3: 9) But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. 10) Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. 11) You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

I might have phrased the quote this way:

There are two ways to slide through life;
believing everything or doubting everything.
Neither way is easy and both require thinking
- about why you would choose either.
Neither way will save you from thinking
. . . nor will either way give you peace!
Alfred Korzybski paraphrased by annb

To share your thoughts on the quote for today, visit In Other Words

In His Love and Blessings

Monday, October 6, 2008

Far infrared saunas

Infrared Saunas-More Than Relaxation!

Have you ever wished you had a sauna? Can you imagine how relaxing it would be after a long day at work? I’ve thought about it, even looked into it – and what I found at far infrared saunas really sounds good!

They have 1-5 person models – for relaxing alone or inviting friends for a little relaxation! Midwest Saunas also uses Color Therapy applied to specific areas on the body to help bring physical and emotional systems into “balance”.

Infrared Saunas are not just for relaxing. Did you know they can assist or alleviates symptoms of many conditions including: The pain of Arthritis, increase blood flow, and also help relieve symptoms of High Blood Pressure, Detoxification of the body, Asthma, Sunburns and many more health conditions!

If you’ve ever thought about the benefits of Infrared Sauna, see what they have to offer at Midwest Saunas.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday 9 - Oct 4, 2008

Welcome to Saturday 9 hosted by "Crazy Sam":

9 questions posted every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Let's Get Ready to Rumble

1. When was the last time you lost your temper with someone? I can't remember losing my temper - and verbalizing it - in a very long time! I still get angry, but keep it to myself most of the time. I actually was angry just this past week, but said nothing to the person!

2. What was it about? It's been an ongoing problem with a particular group of people for about 20 years now. I am married - but separated - and when I married I also became stepmother to two little girls who lived with us full time. I grew to absolutely love the girls and considered them mine - just as my own two biological children were mine. This group of people decided, I guess, that I was not a good mom to these girls and it felt like they fought my husband and I continuously about the way we were raising the girls. When my husband and I talked about the frustration and tried to understand why they were acting the way they did about the girls, he just kept saying that talking to them wouldn't matter - it wouldn't change anything. He said he had felt "left out" of the family for a very long time. Still today, they treat my husband as a "non-family member and it still hurts me - and angers me - to see it.

3. Were you totally right or totally wrong? As a parent you raise your children in the best way you know how, we're not perfect - there's no instruction book. I think parents should have the final say - about everything involving their own children, unless of course there's abuse or neglect involved. So I felt like my husband and I were right - they were, after all, our children!

4. If wrong, how long until you realized it? If right, how long until the other person realized it? The group of people act like they never do any wrong and so, of course, never realized or never acknowledged that fact.

5. Did you go a length of time without speaking? I have not spoken to them in years and really see no need to do so. I was so angry for a long time that I refused to see them at all. I'm no longer angry, but also feel that you don't repeatedly put yourself in situations that are hopeless or that only cause pain.

6. Who made the first move? No move by either

7. Do you feel the situation is resolved now? It's resolved with me only because I no longer have to deal with them. It actually contributed to the breakup of my marriage. It's very difficult to live in circumstances that cause you to feel unaccepted, unworthy!

8. Do you ever give in, knowing you weren’t wrong, to keep the peace? I do - much more than I did when I was younger. You learn to pick your battles and most of them are not worth the time!

9. Was there permanent damage even though you’ve made up? There is permanent damage and, as I said, for me the anger is gone - but the hurt remains. I think if we had been able to talk - constructively - the results may have been different.

Join Saturday 9 by visiting Crazy Sam - find the list of participants, visit and leave a comment.

In His Love and Blessings

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sydney's No.1 resource for all things glass

Last winter, Oklahoma had a bad ice storm which caused a lot of damage to trees and anything the trees and branches fell on, as well as many windows in homes and cars, broken from the falling tree branches. It would have been really nice to have a service like glass sydney which provides a free online resource for glass in Sydney, Australia. enables anyone using their site to make an informed decision about the type of glass to use in their particular situation and where to find the glass they need by outlining the different glass industries. The site offers a guide, for users, of available glass products in the Sydney area including automotive glass, pool fences, glass bricks, glass products used in the home, glass for picture framing, skylights, tiles, windows and doors. site also lists installers, suppliers, products and all glass product availability in Sydney. Find the glass you need – fast, even for emergency glass repairs. is the place to look if you need glass in Sydney! Their site will save you time by having the list of suppliers and installers ready – when and if you need it. Save yourself the time of searching for glass suppliers and installers one by one when you can go to and readily access their list. The work of locating glass products in Sydney has been done for you and information is updated constantly to give you the most current information available.

Thankful Thursday - Oct 2, 2008

Hosted by Iris at Grace Alone

I am thankful that Iris hosts this meme each week. Sometimes life and trials take over and we forget about the blessings we are given even among the difficulties we encounter. This is a great opportunity to take some time each week to remember, count our blessings and be thankful!

I am thankful this week for special blessings in my employment situation (or search thereof). I had an interview this week that went very well and is with a law firm that I think would be a great place to work. It's a small firm - very comfortable and the attorney I met with was genuinely kind and it was a good meeting. I should know their decision by the middle of next week once they complete their interviews.

I'm thankful for my health. This past week I've been suffering from allergy symptoms and have even lost my voice, which by the way I was almost totally devoid of the day of my job interview! I still don't have much of a voice and had to call the Dr, yesterday, for a prescription to help calm my cough. I am healthy and allergies come and go with the season - I am blessed!

I am thankful for my family. Family will always be #2 priority in my life - right behind service to God! I grew up in a very close, loving family and wouldn't trade my life for anything else on this earth! I now am living with my daughter and her family and to see that same dedication to family makes me proud of them. They are, first of all, dedicated to the Lord and His work. They also desire to have a large family to bring up in service to God. My 6 (almost 7) year old granddaughter is the only child in the home now, but they have completed all the paperwork and home studies for adoption and are now waiting for placement.

I am thankful for God's mercy, grace and forgiveness. I love the Lord and know that I fall short many times, but I also know that I will be forgiven for my sins when I ask in prayer because of the awesome gift of God's precious son who carried our sins and anguish with Him to the cross.

What are you thankful for this week? Visit Iris and share your list and see what others are thankful for this week!

In His Love and Blessings