Sunday, July 22, 2007

Grains of Gratitude July 22

Grains of Gratitude
Hosted by Christine at

This has been a great week around the B family! Exciting things are happening!

This week I’m grateful for . . . .

. . . . A job for Chance. Michael arranged for Chance to have an interview at the company where he works. Chance went for his interview at 8:00 on Monday and was hired and started work immediately! Michael works for a company that does computer work with a lot of the school systems in the state and Chance has been pulling cable all week! He’s enjoying the job and has been able to work with Michael most days. On Monday he worked with a crew in Macomb (somewhere in OK). That got him going for the week and I’m thankful that he’s enjoying it. He starts school – his senior year – in about three weeks so will only be working until then. If things work out well, he may be able to go back to work with the same company once he graduates. He loves computers and is really good with them. He wants to study computers, programming and graphics so hopefully, he will be able to work while still getting the training he desires.

. . . . Michael and Elizabeth! They have opened their home to Chance, allowing him to stay with them through the week so that he can ride back and forth with Michael. It’s great to know that they’re always there for us – ready, willing and anxious to help out!

. . . . A raise for Jody! Jody had his performance evaluation this past week. It was a great evaluation (never doubted it) and he was given one of the best raises he’s received since he started working there about 15 years ago. He was also given some new duties that are more supervisory, which will be a plus for him – less manual labor and more management!

. . . . A somewhat unexpected windfall! Jody and I are still in “recovery mode” from the year I stayed home – unemployed – and cared for my Mom. We both still know it was the best thing to do, but we knew going into it that there would be consequences to that decision. Not only are we still recovering but also after buying a car in April we have not yet been able to get the payments straightened out with the loan company. In both June and July there were two payments – automatic transactions – taken from our bank account instead of one. Now, I’m sure that might not be a big deal to some people but to Jody and me – it’s a VERY BIG deal! As I said, we’re still trying to recover from a year with only one paycheck coming in to take care of expenses. So, hopefully we now have that matter straightened out – after a couple of hours on the phone with the loan company!

The windfall comes into place in this way: Both my parents had shares in mineral rights on several different pieces of land. They didn’t own the land, only a portion of the mineral rights. So for as many years as I can remember, checks were paid to my parents for those mineral rights where oil had been struck. The checks were not anything that put us into monetary wealth, but they were income nevertheless. When my parents died, of course those rights were given to us, their children. Now instead of the number of shares being paid to one (couple), the dividends now had to divided between six of us! Anyway to make a long story short and to get to my point, Jody and I sold our shares this week – to one of my brothers – and in this way we have more money that we will be able to put towards some of those “Recovery” items!

. . . . My granddaughter, Addy. Addy calls Jody and I regularly just to talk and keep us updated on her life! I absolutely loves that she calls us. She called me Thursday evening and invited me to come on Friday afternoon to her swimming lessons. She has now completed her second session and on the last day, the kids can have spectators to show off what they’ve learned. This is my second time to go – 1st session and 2nd session – and I’ve enjoyed seeing what she’s learned in each session. She started out the first session hesitant, not even liking to get her face in the water and just really not too sure about any of it. She now loves to “bob” anywhere there’s water and she was thrilled to show me on Friday that she can jump into the 5 foot end of the pool (my heart jumps into my throat each time she jumps into the water) and then make it to the side by herself! I know realistically the instructor is right there and all the parents are right there, but when I see her jump into that water knowing she can’t touch the bottom, I have to admit that it scares me a little – okay a LOT! She’s doing very well and the instructors of both sessions were quite thrilled with her progress!

. . . . The beauty of God’s world! My friend Debbie and I, for lunch on Friday walked over to the student union where they have a Chick Filet! I love Chick Filet and it was great discovering that there is one so close to our offices. It’s about three blocks from the office, so we walked over there, ordered food then walked back to a spot about halfway between the student union and Children’s Hospital where we work, and sat enjoying our lunch under a shade umbrella. There is a small area set up with tables and chairs all around a beautiful waterfall. There was a guy working on the water when we first got there, but he finished up and got it going pretty quick. Trees, flowers and all kinds of greenery surround the area and the cool spray from the waterfall was great and cooled off the area. We’ve decided that we are going to take our lunch over there to eat often during the week.
That’s a bit of what I’m thankful for this past week. What are you thankful for today?

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Love Offering for Parker!

Many of you who read my blog probably already know about Parker - because many of you who read my blog also read Parker's blog, written by mom Tammy. If you haven't seen Parker you should visit him here and consider making a love offering. The Love Offering for Parker is being hosted by Melody at "Slurping Life" to help offset some of the medical costs facing his family for his care.

When you read about Parker and his family, you will see the love they have for him as well as the struggles they face each and every day of his life. He's such a sweet little guy and I'm sure the family could benefit from the financial help and also from your prayers on their behalf.

Love for Parker

Seriously, look at that little face - how can you not fall in love with him?

Not only is it an opportunity to help Parker and his family

- you also have a chance at some great prizes if your name happens to be drawn

Visit Melody for all the details!

The dates of the love offering will be July 23 through July 27. Make a $2 donation (of course, larger donations will be accepted *smile*) during that time from the Paypal button that will be posted on Slurping Life and be entered in the drawing for all prizes.
Slurping Life is hosting an online love offering for Parker, a little boy with big medical needs.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

To see more Wordless Wednesday participants or
to participate yourself - check it out

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Grains of Gratitude July 15

Hosted by Christine at

It's Sunday and of course that means "Grains of Gratitude". This has been a tough week for me and I almost decided not to post because I couldn't think of anything to share today! Then I started thinking about what being thankful is all about and decided that to skip posting my "Grains" for the week would mean that I'm not thankful for the blessings I've received - and so - here's what I'm thankful for this week!
Today I'm thankful for . . . .
. . . . My family. I know I say this all the time - but that's because I constantly thank God for the family that I have! My husband is such a good man and so willing to provide for our family in so many ways! He's patient and kind and very loving! He is a role model for my son and I'm thankful that Chance has him to pattern himself after as he becomes a man! I'm thankful for all three of my girls, but this week I'm especially thankful for Elizabeth and Michael! Michael talked to his boss and Chance has an interview tomorrow morning for a job - for the remainder of the summer! It's a job that I think Chance will enjoy, it pays substantially more than minimum wage - even at the entry level position Chance will be interviewing for tomorrow. It's a job that could very well open up possibilities for him after he graduates next year! Michael works for a company that does work on computers and Chance loves computer work! Even though this next month would be more of an assistant's job for Chance, it could very well lead into something more when he's ready to work full time. It's a great opportunity for him and I'm thankful that Michael thinks enough of Chance that he talked to his boss and got Chance the interview!
. . . . I'm thankful for LifeChurch. I never leave Sunday morning worship without feeling that I have been touched by The Word of God in a very meaningful and personal way! The sermon comes directly out of The Bible which is very important to me! One of the things we do each Sunday morning after the Praise and singing is that everyone in the audience greets those around them - a special time is provided for this purpose. That means a lot - to reach out and shake someone's hand and let them know you're glad they are in worship and they give you the same message - it's a good feeling to know that you are welcome in worship!
When the plate is passed for contribution there is an announcement made each week before the plate is passed. The statement comes from the Pastor and he tells the audience that if there is anyone present who is in need of shelter, clothing or food to please take what they need from the plate as it is passed by them. How awesome is that? If someone were to take from the plate - there's no judgement on them by anyone in the congregation! LifeChurch is so much about ministering and benevolence and spreading the good news of Jesus and God's plan of salvation for everyone! I love the experience I have each week!
. . . . I'm thankful for my job. I work with such a great group of women who really care about each other - what a great environment! I get up each day anxious to go to work! This past week - really since the 1st of July has been extremely busy at work. I almost, at times, feel a bit overwhelmed with everything we have to do - and each thing we have to do has a set deadline for completion! It's work that is important to the hospital and work that I feel proud to be a part of in the big picture! Knowing that each practitioner who works at our facility, or schedules patients for testing at our facility - is credentialed through our office, which is an awesome responsibility and a responsibility that I take very seriously!
. . . . for my friend, Debbie! I work with Debbie and only met her when I began this job. She's very kind, very tender hearted and someone I know I can trust as my friend. Debbie comes to my office sometimes during the day just to vent or to share some aspect of the job which I may not be familiar with yet. I am still in the learning process and she's very patient with me. She and I started walking together this week - walking the first half hour of our lunch period and then going back to the office break room to eat lunch during the second half hour! We're getting pretty fast already! What took us thirty minutes to walk on Monday only took us 15 minutes to walk on Friday! I guess we will have to make two laps through the Skywalk beginning tomorrow!
I've really been missing my Mom this week although I'm not sure why this week has been harder. I know it will get easier and I'm especially thankful for the time I had with her here at home!
I am thankful for Christine and "Grains of Gratitude" because it always reminds me of my blessings and makes me stop and consider each one. God is good and I'm most thankful for His love and His mercy!

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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Grains of Gratitude July 8

Hosted by Christine, at Brady's Bunch!

It's time again for Grains of Gratitude and I'm always ready with a thankful heart for the blessings I've been given over the past week!

This week I'm grateful for . . .

. . . Sunshine! We've had so much rain here over the past month and it's wonderful to have the sunshine to enjoy once again. Of course with the sunshine comes the heat! The mornings are so beautiful as the sun comes up and the dew is still on the grass. To wake up early and hear the birds singing is a joy in itself. The hill we live on (at the bottom) is so quiet and far enough from the road that we don't have to listen to the sounds of the cars going by!

. . . My mom and dad for this great piece of land they allowed us to buy from them. Both my parents are gone now, but living on this hill keeps them close in my heart. My parents picked this land together when my dad retired. They knew this would be the place they would live for the rest of their life. I think they made a good choice and I'm thankful that part of it's mine now!

. . . For a day off work in the middle of the week! It was great to go to work for two days then off for the holiday and then back to work for two days and then off again for the weekend!

. . . For paid time off(pto)! Since I work at a hospital and hospitals don't close for holidays we are required to use our earned pto for time off. I'm thankful that they "give" us the opportunity to earn pto so that we have it to use when the office is closed for holidays!

. . . For family time on July 4! Jody grilled burgers, bratwurst and chicken breasts for our big 4th cookout! Michael, Elizabeth and Addy plus Nick, Candace, Levi and Joey all came to share the meal with us. Candace had to go to work at 6:00, so Nick took her to work - leaving the boys - and then came back and by then it was time to start the fireworks! We had plenty and not only did we enjoy our own, but we were able to see at least three other "shows" over the treetops!

. . . That we live outside of any city limits and can shoot off fireworks here at home! I have never really liked fireworks - too scary and noisy for me - but I tolerate them each year and even sit outside (for the most part) with everyone else to watch. Sometimes I have to go behind the storm door and compose myself before I can join in again!

Our Grand Finale was one of those times! Michael had bought this big round can full of smaller canisters that when set go off one right after another and these fireworks really gave off a beautiful show. Before Jody and Chance lit it I had moved from my seat on the steps to standing by the front door - just in case! I told you - I'm a big chicken when it comes to loud noise and pieces of burning whatever flying down through the air! Well, the fireworks from the can started and they were beautiful - lots of colors and lots of booms! When the last canister exploded in the sky it was a bit low - and Addy and I ran for the safety behind the storm door! Thank goodness I had moved closer before they started! Elizabeth got hit beside her eye and then again on her neck where part of "the light show" came down too quickly and too close! But all in all, it was a great fireworks display! What's a fireworks display without a spectacular ending?!

. . . Church at LifeChurch! Pastor Craig started a new series this morning and the lesson was great! The series is called "At The Movies" and each week a movie will be spotlighted and the lesson will be in relation to that particular movie. Today's movie was "Walk The Line" - the story of Johnny Cash. I learned things that I did not know about Johnny Cash - that he was raised in a Christian family and had an older brother that he idolized who wanted to be a minister when he grew up! His brother was killed in an accident when they were young which created a lot of hurt in Johnny Cash - and even more hurt caused by his father's actions and words directed at Johnny after his brother's death. Pastor Craig played the last video Mr. Cash ever made and it was really touching. At the end of the video, Johnny expresses how he would live his life differently if he had it to do over again - never losing himself in many of the self-destructive behaviors he participated in during his lifetime! He urges anyone reading his message to listen when they are taught the Good News of Christ and not to waste time, but to seek God's Direction - of course I'm paraphrasing! It really was a great message!

Those are a few of the blessings I'm thankful for this week! What are you thankful for? Thank you, Christine, for hosting "Grains of Gratitude"!

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Saturday, July 7, 2007

Just My Thoughts Today

The other day I was sitting and looking at Chance – really looking at him and seeing the man that he is quickly becoming before my eyes! I kept thinking, how did he become this man so fast – without my approval? I’ve been a mom for 26 years and my children – all four of my children, as they were growing up, were truly my life. Everything I did, everything I said, everything I wore, everything in my life was decided by what each of those things would say to my children about me. I was the example my children would pattern themselves after as they grew into adulthood.

The past few years, as my daughters have married and moved away from our home, I wondered what my life would be like once they were all gone. How could I make a new life – without them being my first thought when I awoke each day? I wondered what Jody and I would have to talk about and think about each day.

When our children were younger Jody worked a lot and was away from the house a lot! If you read my Father’s Day post you know that I literally took over our children alone – without his help, or as I saw it then, his interference. This place I am right now – with only my youngest child still living at home is a place I never thought about as the kids grew up. I never looked past the life I was living with them at the forefront!

Chance will be a senior in the fall, turning 18 in January. I know that whether he goes to school after graduation or goes to work, he will begin to leave our home – even if he is physically still here. I think about the man he will be – will he make decisions based on God’s commandments? Will he be interested only in material things, or activities that are worldly? What kind of girls will he date? What kind of woman will he choose to be his wife?

I know that God gave Jody and me the responsibility to raise our children to love Him and to put Him first in their lives. When we were given this amazing gift of our children, I knew that my job as a mom was to prepare them for a life apart from the world while still living in it. It is a responsibility that I take very seriously.

19) Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20) idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21) envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23) gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24) And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25) If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26) Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. Galatians 5: 19-26

When God ordained marriage, it was meant to be one man with one woman until death.
"A wife is bound by law as long as her husband lives; but if her husband dies, she is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord." I Corinthians 7:39

Jody and I both came into our marriage with children – not our children together, but children from our first marriages. It is so evident that divorce is not a Godly action, especially in the way that it affects the children!

Elizabeth was 8 when Jody and I married and I had raised her by myself for those 8 years. Her biological father was only in her life for one year during all that time. The year that he was in her life was traumatic on her. He did not put her needs first – only enforced the court-ordered visitation as a punishment to me. It was almost an unbearable punishment! Many things happened during that time and finally after the end of that horrible year, with the threat of legal action being brought against him, he stopped enforcing the visitation and she no longer was forced to endure the evils that were his life.

Toni, 9 years old at the time of our marriage, and Candace 8, did have their mother in their lives. She took the girls at the visitation times given to her and she loved her girls. The girls were constantly torn between wanting to please their mom and also wanting to make Jody happy. There was pressure on the girls all the time because they felt they had to make a decision whether to live with their mom or to stay with Jody. There were huge differences between our two homes in regard to most things including discipline. It was very difficult on the girls and on my relationship with them. They felt that if they loved me they would betray their mom. It was a life I would not wish on any child!

The girls are all grown now and I can see many differences in the priorities in each one’s life. They are all married and they each have at least one child. Each loves her husband and her children – in that regard they are much the same. They are all so different in many other ways and I love each one for their individuality and thank God and pray daily for each of them and their families.

Each of the girls has different ideas on child rearing and discipline. Jody and I support each one because, after all, each parent has the right to bring up their children in the way they believe to be right. When my grandchildren are at our house, the same rules that their parents apply for them remain in effect. We try never to deviate from the rules that each set of parents has for their own child(ren). Sometimes it’s hard – it’s easy to think that I know better what the kids need, but I also know that it’s not my place to decide.

I have never stopped praying for my children and I never will – praying that they will allow God to lead them in their daily lives. That they will put God first and live the life that He intended for them to live. I pray that they will live apart from the world – not giving in to the temptations that are constantly before them. I pray that when Chance leaves us to take his place in the world that he, too, will be faithful to our Lord.

Of all the things that I wanted for my children as they were growing up, the greatest thing I can imagine now is that they would love the Lord and live every day in anticipation of His return. That each one of my children (including my sons-in-law) would know the wonderful peace that comes from having a relationship with God!

Lord, I pray that each one desire that relationship with You and that each one will realize that our time here is short – and they have no time to waste on this world! And Lord I pray that upon your return you will look at the way Jody and I have raised our children and that you will say, “Well done, my good and faithful servants”!

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Friday, July 6, 2007

Friday's Feast 07/06

Appetizer - What was the first job you ever had?

The first job I ever had was, of course, babysitting. My first “real” job out in the “real world” was in a Nursing Home, as a Nurses’ Aide. I know, it is one of the worst jobs on many people’s lists, but it really was so much more than changing beds and emptying bedpans.

The contact I had with patients and families of patients taught me life lessons that I do not think I could ever have learned anywhere else. My parents taught me compassion and love for others, but to actually put those characteristics into action gave me such a sense of God’s power and love over all of us.

I think we do a horrible service to our elderly in this country! We talk about throwaway kids all the time, but we also have throwaway elders! Our elders have so much wisdom and life experience to share with us all and they are so willing to share it with anyone who will take the time to visit with them.

Of course, there were those few who had dementia and lived in their own little world, some who were also violent towards me - I was once kicked as I walked by one of the men and one night while attempting to put another man to bed he would have bashed my head in with his shoe had I not had another aide in the room with me. Thankfully, she grabbed the shoe from him just in time!

It’s a job few people want and I greatly admire those who are in that position by choice who are full of the compassion and love that our elders need!

Soup - (Taken from Bravo's Inside the Actor's Studio) - Name a profession you have always wanted to try.

I always wanted to be a nurse! At the age of 18, while I was still working at the same nursing home, one of the nurses offered to send me to nursing school in return for two years of work at the same home after my graduation from nursing school. I’m afraid I could not see the big picture then and thought two years out of my life after four years of college was a commitment I wasn’t ready to give to anyone! Wow! Hindsight is 20/20!

Salad (also from the Actor's Studio) - Name a profession you would NEVER want to try.
I would never, never, ever be a septic tank cleaner! Have you ever seen the show “Dirty Jobs” with Mike Rowe? Nasty, nasty job!

Entree - (also from the Actor's Studio) - What is your favorite sound in the world?
I love the sound of children laughing! I also love to listen to a cappella music – that is, of course, if the singers have true talent!

I remember when my children were younger and we would go on long car rides – my girls would sing songs of praise and even get their little brother involved with the singing! They always sounded so beautiful! All four of my children have beautiful singing voices and I’m thankful for that – such a blessing!

Dessert - (and from the Actor's Studio) - If there is a Heaven, what would you like to hear from God when you arrive?
I know that there is a Heaven and I want to hear my Father say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant!”

The Friday's Feast chef is away, gathering new recipes and letting special questions simmer. Michael is hosting this week, so visit him over at Valtool's Box and set up your own feast!

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Pray 4 Jim's Family

Yesterday when I selected my choices for the "Reflective Blogger" award, I also mentioned Jim, a journey I have been following for some time now. I asked that you visit his site and pray for his family. Jim lost his battle with colorectal cancer and his wife posted a very touching update. If you choose to visit the site I'm sure you will be touched by her great love for her husband.

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Monday, July 2, 2007

An Award - Thank You Annie


Today I found out that my sister-in-law,Annie, nominated me for The "Blogger Reflection" award! Annie had this to say about my blog and the reason for her passing on the award to me:

ann. . . . this is my SIL who I have come to know more than ever before through the world of blogging. She began by just commenting on Izzy's progress and then started her own blog when caring for her mother in the last months of her life. Ann always has something deep to talk about and is ALWAYS a prayer support and warrior for Izzy. Her daughter Elizabeth (my niece) is also a deep thinking blogger.

I actually started my blog while I was caring for my Mom in the last months of her life, as Annie said, but I also started my blog because of the inspiration I drew from Annie's and her postings about Izzy's recovery after her near-drowning accident. I never even knew there was such a thing as a "blog" before Annie, much less imagined that I had anything to share with anyone else about my life!

After my Mom passed away in February I knew that I wanted to continue blogging because I have found that it is an outlet for me where I can express my feelings - good and bad - without the fear of being judged by anyone for the feelings I might have on any given day. I have found many other blogs that are now regular reads of mine and I enjoy checking on my regulars to find out what's going on in their lives and still try to find new blogs to visit as well. I have met some bloggers that I would really like to meet in real life! Who knows, maybe one day I will!

Here are the rules for passing this award on: The reason for the title is because this award should make you reflect on five bloggers who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and have been a Godly example to you. Five Bloggers who when you reflect on them you get a sense of pride and joy... of knowing them and being blessed by them.

1. Copy this post.
2. Reflect on five bloggers and write a least a paragraph about each one.
3. Make sure you link this post so others can read it and the rules.
4. Go leave your chosen bloggers a comment and let them know they've been given the award.
5. Put the award icon on your site.

Here are the 5 I've chosen for this award even though I may not personally know the writers, but have been following their stories for some time.

1. Amy at "Living with Leukemia" . . . I chose Amy because of the strength and the faith in God that she has shown throughout her journey with Leukemia for the past year. Since the beginning of her journey she has been through so much - chemo, transfusions, radiation therapy, bone marrow transplant, so much for anyone, much less such a young woman to bear. Amy is married and has a son, who shares the same birthday as me - November 29. I can't imagine a life where much of the time she is either ill from the chemo or extremely tired from other treatment and many times is separated from her husband and son because of her illness. In every update I feel through Amy the love she has for her family and the love she has for our Lord - never losing faith and always believing that He is in control. If you haven't visited Amy before, please visit her now and say a prayer for her healing, her comfort and for her family!

2. Tammy at "Praying for Parker". I know many already know of Tammy and Parker because I see his button around a lot of places! Tammy is mommy to Parker, a beautiful little boy who has had a lot of obstacles between himself and good health! Tammy inspires me a lot through the updates she posts on Parker and through those posts the love that she has for him is so evident in everything she does for him! It seems like there's always something going on with the little guy but if Tammy ever gets tired, I haven't seen it in her posts!

3. Kim at "LifeSong". I never come away from Kim's blog without a feeling of complete trust and comfort in the Lord. She has such faith and writes beautifully. Her family is adopting a baby girl from China - something my daughter and her husband are praying about and believe that will be a path they will travel as well. Kim writes about her family and asks for prayers for other "bloggers" that have a need. I actually found Amy Wilhoite, (see #1) through Kim's blog and have been blessed by both!

4. Michael, my son-in-law at "God is Good All The Time". Michael is a Godly man who's not afraid to share his faith with others. He is a man of strong moral character which is evident in the way he presents himself to others. He loves his wife (my daughter) and loves my granddaughter and I know that I never have to worry about them as long as he's around! Michael's posts are sometimes quite controversial because of the theme of the post. He loves to talk about God and issues confronted by Christians in their daily walk. He has strong views on homeschooling, children and many other topics that are pretty interesting.

5. Elizabeth, my daughter. She actually has two blogs - "homeschool" and another one that she has for her home daycare parents, so they can be involved in their children's day even though they aren't with them. Elizabeth posts pictures of the children taken during the day as well as posting about the things they're learning. She also works with the children teaching them sign language and posts signs on her daycare blog for the parents to learn in order to communicate with the children! Her blog open to all is about issues she feels passionate about such as her faith, homeschooling, children and other topics.

I do have one other blog that I would like to ask that you visit - if you never have - and pray for Jim and his family. The blog is "Pray 4 Jim" and it's about the battle Jim is going through with colorectal cancer. He has now reached a point of extreme weariness and a need for constant pain management and his wife is posting his updates. This is a family of faith and even in the midst of this horrible disease they know that their healing and comfort can come only from God. Jim is young and has young children and it's difficult to see what this family is going through. The entire family needs to be lifted before our Lord in prayer that they can have comfort and peace to get through each day. It should be a reminder for each of us that God never promised us tomorrow. We have only today. Please pray for Jim's family and tell those you love how you feel now.
I hope you visit each of these blog sites that I've listed. I think you will come away from each one with an appreciation for the people behind the blog. I've met many "bloggers" since starting my own site and hope to meet many more.

Annie, thank you for the award. Coming from you, it means a lot! I hope my blog is a place to find God in one small little corner of "Blogville".

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