Friday, May 29, 2009

Fabulous N Fit Challenge

Join the Challenge!
I have!!

is challenging anyone (even non-bloggers)
to join the Fabulous N Fit Challenge!

Here's what she has to say:

Hi my name is Heather, my birthday is September 25th and I am going to be FABULOUS N FIT by then! Who's going to join me? I invite ANY and all to join in this challenge, which will run from June 1st to September 22nd (the official beginning of fall) this is 17 & 1/2 weeks away. Plenty of time to lose some weight . You are even welcome to join the Fabulous N Fit Challenge if you don't have a blog. There is NO CUT OFF date so you are welcome to join the Fabulous N Fit Challenge at any time.

My starting weight is: 183 lbs

In His Love and Blessings

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thank you, God, that I am ENOUGH!!

Mark 10
1-2 From there he(Jesus) went to the area of Judea across the Jordan.

A crowd of people, as was so often the case, went along,

and he, as he so often did, taught them.

Pharisees came up, intending to give him a hard time. They asked,

"Is it legal for a man to divorce his wife?"

3 Jesus said, "What did Moses command?"

4 They answered, "Moses gave permission

to fill out a certificate of dismissal and divorce her."

5-9 Jesus said, "Moses wrote this command only as a concession

to your hardhearted ways.

In the original creation, God made male and female to be together.

Because of this, a man leaves father and mother,

and in marriage he becomes one flesh with a woman

—no longer two individuals, but forming a new unity.

Yesterday, I had a comment on a blog post from “anonymous”! It was unbelievable to me – the names I was called and the things said in the comment by someone who doesn’t even know me! We traced the comment and knew where it came from and discovered who the person was that wrote it.

I have met this person twice and I don’t know her - at all – and she does not know me – at all! The only things she knows about me are what she has been told – by someone I love - which made the comment hurt that much more. Things that are not even the truth, have been told to this person and I cannot even wrap my mind around why this would happen.

I know that the person telling these things is angry with me. I know this person has been hurt and for that I am truly sorry. I would never want to cause pain to this person. I have been praying that this relationship, as well as another, would be healed.

Jody and I talked, about these relationships, last night after a lot of drama had taken place. He said it doesn’t appear that things will change and that I probably should just be prepared for that very result. I don’t know how to give up on it. I don’t know how to turn off the love that I have for those from which I am estranged, although for now I will try not to dwell on the way things are, but I will continue praying - asking God to heal the wounds.

Ephesians 5:24-26 (The Message)

22-24 Wives, understand and support your husbands

in ways that show your support for Christ.

The husband provides leadership to his wife

the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing.

So just as the church submits to Christ as he exercises such leadership,

wives should likewise submit to their husbands.

Jody has become my rock since we came back together after the separation. We had so many problems in our marriage before the separation, but the commitment we made when we came back together has made us closer than we have been in 20 years of marriage! We are putting a high priority on our marriage - a marriage that glorifies God! We're putting each other over all others on this earth to make our marriage strong! Jody is my focus and I believe that I am his!

Ephesians 5:24-26 (The Message)

25-28 Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives,

exactly as Christ did for the church

—a love marked by giving, not getting.

Christ's love makes the church whole.

His words evoke her beauty.

Everything he does and says is designed to bring the best out of her,

dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness.

And that is how husbands ought to love their wives.

They're really doing themselves a favor

—since they're already "one" in marriage.

I am thankful that our marriage is on the right course. I am thankful that we chose to re-commit to our marriage rather than just throw it away. I am thankful that he loves me and I thank God that I am enough!

In His Love and Blessings

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jody - first 24 hrs after Surgery

Jody’s first 24 hours after surgery have been pretty tough on him. Last night about 10:15 all the patients in the hospital had to be moved to the recovery area, away from all windows, because the hospital was right in the path of a possible tornado. The sirens had blown in that area of the city, so I called the hospital to check and they were moving the patients at that time. I called back about 2:30 am and talked to Jody’s nurse and she said they only had to stay in the recovery area for about 15 minutes before the all clear was sounded and the patients could go back to their rooms.

When I got to the hospital this morning, Jody told me about being moved and how “bumpy” the ride was to get there! He has been in a lot of pain since the surgery and is not getting much relief. The doctor had told me this was going to happen, but I don’t think Jody was really prepared for it. He was in pain – a lot of pain today, as well.

The PA came in this evening to talk to him about his pain level. She explained a lot to us and tried to help Jody understand why he is in so much pain. She answered questions for us and told us what to expect in his recovery and said he may be able to come home on Saturday, but that’s not certain yet.

She also gave us some news which really threw me for a loop! It was not what I had expected and was quite a blow! I had expected such a different outcome and was saddened to have those expectations brought down as she gave us the reality! Thankfully God, not the doctors know for sure what will happen and I am praying that God will intervene and things won’t be the same as predicted.

The PA increased the dosage on a couple of meds to see if that would get the pain under control. I’m praying that it does help and gives him some relief!

Jody’s mom, dad and Candace came to visit tonight at the hospital, but didn’t stay long. He was in so much pain and I’m sure they felt it! I know that he was glad to see them anyway, but is just feeling so bad he didn’t feel much like visiting yet. I had stepped out while they visited so that they could have time with him. When I walked back into his room he had his cell phone calling me to come back because they had gone. I feel so bad for him and everything he’s going through with this surgery.

Jody is not one to sit still or lie around in bed, but instead needs to be up and moving whenever he wants and he’s feeling pretty tied down right now. He’s a bit demanding and not altogether reasonable, but I am (trying) to be mindful of the amount of pain he’s experiencing. I love him and it hurts to see him this way.

I’ll be back at the hospital with him in the morning to spend another day. I hope that he does better and is able to relax some tomorrow. Maybe he will be able to sleep tonight with the increase in medication and that will help him feel better. Right now, he’s refusing food and not drinking much so that’s a concern, too. The PA explained that he has to eat, especially protein right now to help his body heal more quickly and effectively from the surgery.

Please pray that tonight will be the beginning of a turnaround and that his pain will be better controlled. Please pray for God’s healing hands to touch him and get him through this recovery quickly. I don’t know what the future looks like for him - and for us – God knows and I’m trusting in Him!

In His Love and Blessings

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm a Contributing Writer!

Today I am a contributing writer at Internet Cafe Devotions!
Hope you'll visit me there and look around the site - it's a great place to find inspiration!

In His Love and Blessings

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Daybook

FOR TODAY, May 11, 2009 ... I am choosing to focus - on enjoying each moment with which God has blessed me; . . . on loving my family & friends; . . . on my husband and our life together!

Outside my window... it's chilly and raining - the grass and trees are so green and beautiful!

I am thinking... that I have so much to do today and need to get busy!

I am thankful for... my life! I'm thankful that Jody and I are together, loving each other and looking forward to our future!

From the learning rooms... we (meaning the daycare kiddos) are making a "my favorite things" page!

From the kitchen... I am going to put some chicken breasts in the crockpot and then decide what to do with them after they finish cooking!

I am wearing... navy blue sweats, a blue t-shirt, white socks and a black sweater! Yes, I am a fashionista - I am also freezing!

I am creating... pictures for the kiddos to glue on their craft page!

I am going... to the chiropractor this afternoon and then to Walmart for a couple of things!

I am reading... I have so many things to read and intend to start soon!

I am hoping... for some dry weather this week so we can play outside!

I am hearing... the sounds of the kiddos playing

Around the house... laundry is underway - bedclothes, towels, clothing

One of my favorite things... is my Bible! It is the Bible that I gave my Mom for her birthday the year before she passed away and she gave it back to me as her passing came near. It is large print and has a beautiful Thomas Kincade cover.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Jody will be having surgery on Wednesday morning. It will be about a 4 hour surgery on his back. We are praying that God will cover him with His protection and healing and that he will guide the surgeon's hands through the surgery.

One of my devotional posts will be published
on Internet Chat Cafe tomorrow, May 12.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This is a picture of my great-aunt as she was teaching a Bible class during Sunday School at church. My aunt has passed away, and this picture is very precious to me! This could be a picture of any of the women in my family as they studied. They all had and have a great love for the Lord and spent many hours in His Word. I strive to be as faithful and devoted as they were and as they are!

Join the Simple Woman's Daybook here!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Three Generations of Moms

Happy Mother's Day
This is a picture of My mom, Elizabeth & Addy and me
Taken in May 2002
I love my mom so much - she was the hub of our family. I miss her every day! I thank God that she was my mom and for all the valuable lessons she taught me!

In His Love and Blessings

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Homeschool - She's Doing Great!!

As most know, my daughter Elizabeth homeschools Addyson. I love that Elizabeth, Michael and John (Addy's Dad) haven chosen this path for her. I have seen her truly blossom since the decision to take her out of public school and keep her at home.

Lately, there are some who have been making comments - in front of Addy - about her "lack" of education. I'm sad that they don't know her the way we do and don't understand the great knowledge she is gaining through homeschooling! She is in competition with no one, studies the Bible in her daily curriculum, learns through many everyday life situations and is being taught by her parents - the people to whom God entrusted her life and learning!

Elizabeth has written a post in answer to those who question Addy's academic learning. It would be great for her to know that not everyone is against homeschooling! Please visit Elizabeth and let her know your thoughts on the subject!

In His Love and Blessings

Some Business is Personal!

Jody had his appointment today with the orthopedic surgeon. He is scheduled for surgery, on his back, next Wednesday, May 13. We spent the morning at the doctor's office and then to the hospital for pre-op testing. They did the usual lab, but also did an EKG - which was good!

I'm anxious for the surgery to be done. He's been in pain for so long and it will be good to see him without the pain and pain meds. I know it will be a huge load off his shoulders when he feels better and is able to do more.

As for me - the chiropractor has done great work! My hip is absolutely pain free and as soon as the bruises heal - I'll be great! I asked him last week about exercise and he told me not to do any until my hip is stabilized. I have another appointment Monday and hopefully, I'll be able to start then!

Last week, I visited our youngest daughter to talk about some business we have together. The "discussion" went completely out of control and it saddens me to know how she feels about me.

When Jody and I got back together, last year after an 8-month separation, we decided then that we would not let the opinions of others make a difference in our relationship. That was something that had happened in the past because I was unable to deal with the feelings of inadequacy and inferiority caused by the words and actions directed at me from others outside of mine and Jody's relationship. That is, of course, not the only reason for the separation - but it was a contributing factor.

I am amazed at the judgement of others directed at me because I was the one who left our home! Some people believe that because I left - I was the only one who had done anything wrong in the marriage! I love Jody and decided, a long time ago not to dishonor him by telling others about any of his faults. I have not been verbal about the reasons for the separation because I felt like it was no one else's business! The separation was between Jody and me! No one else lived our lives and knew what brought us to the point of separation.

I still feel like it's no one's business and I don't intend to start discussing personal aspects of our lives with others. Jody and I, together, are working to make our marriage better than ever before. We are both aware of what went wrong before and are determined to correct the weaknesses that we each have within ourselves.

It's very difficult for me to know where I fit in anymore with Jody's children and his family. It's tough! I work myself into such a state of anxiety and nervousness before I am around any of them and am making myself sick worrying about it. I'm letting it go!

I can't make anyone accept me or the fact that Jody and I love each other and BOTH of us decided that we didn't want to throw away 20 years of marriage because we both let God and our marriage become an "afterthought" in our lives. We both put other things before these on our list of priorities, which could never bring good to our lives!

I am so blessed that he agreed to try again - even after there was so much hurt, anger and guilt on both sides! I thank God every day that we are together and growing stronger in our relationship!

I'm sorry for those who can't accept and be happy that we have "re"-committed to our marriage and know that God will bless us for that decision!

In His Love and Blessings