Saturday, June 27, 2009

I've nothing to hide!!

If you have visited my blog recently, you noticed that I had changed it from Public to Private. I will not go into the reasons why, but have decided that my blog will again be public. I have nothing to hide and enjoy blogging and don’t feel the need to hide my thoughts!

I will, however, no longer be mentioning Jody’s daughters or their families on my blog – by request! I won’t go into detail about that, but I am respecting the wishes of the one who made that request.

With that said, I also want to state that: I am not a liar! I am not a thief! Jody and I – together – raised the three children we brought into our marriage and the child that we had together! We made all decisions together, we loved them together, we cared for them the best we knew how and thought we did a good job! Every childhood toy that belonged to any one of our children is stored in a storage room in Jody’s shop - because I could never get rid of them! I thought they might want them someday and the toys are there whenever, if ever they choose to take them.

I was never a perfect mother – still working on it – but I loved our children. I worked very hard to maintain a balance of equality, individuality and separate personality for each one of our children. I made mistakes and for those I have apologized and don’t know what else to do to make things better. Jody and I are both sorry for the decisions that have been made, but we are trying to deal with things in an adult and loving way. We still have two of our children who want us both in their lives and we will be there – both of us – for them!

With that being said, I will continue to blog about my life, about my two biological children – their accomplishments and all the reasons I love them and am so proud of the adults they have become!

In His Love and Blessings

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Endings that lead to Beginnings!

I've thought, for two weeks now, that I would update my blog, but still am not sure what to write . . . so, here goes:
Jody and I have decided to separate - for the final time! After getting back together, after an 8 month separation last year, I was really hopeful - and in prayer over our relationship. We did attend counseling with the Family Pastor where I have attended church for the past year and a half, but it is over for us. There's nothing more than that to say!
Elizabeth and Michael left this morning for a trip to D.C. They will be back on Monday, but already Addy is missing her mommy! Elizabeth called from the airport when they arrived and was able to talk with her for a bit and I'm sure will call back later. Addy has been a little teary-eyed and clingy this morning. She's not been away from her mother for more than a weekend since she was about a year old and she's feeling it!
She and I have the next couple of days to spend together - just the two of us and I know we'll have a good time . . . but, I'm still not mommy! Friday evening she will go with her dad and stay with him until Monday afternoon. She always has a good time with him, too. I know she'll be fine!
Tonight, Addy has her first choir practice and is excited about it. She was in a choir a couple of years ago and participated in a Christmas program, which was really cute! She loves to sing and is a natural performer!
My weekend will be spent . . . hmmmm, Oh, yeah! I will be cleaning house, doing laundry, mowing, trimming hedges, pulling weeds, etc. The highlight of my weekend will probably be feeding the dog and the fish and then sitting for hours watching the fish swim around the tank. Try not to be too envious - it's not always as exciting as it sounds!
Today through Friday I have the daycare kiddos to care for, although we are minus a few! Two of the kiddos went to NY to visit grandparents (with mom and dad) and another one is off this week because mommy is home all week! Most days I will have only two plus Addy, so it's going to be pretty quiet around here.
Those are my plans - you have anything going on this week so, you know, maybe I can imagine myself doing something fun?!

In His Love and Blessings